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Two Years What a Time It Has Been
Citation:   Jason S. "Two Years What a Time It Has Been: An Experience with Tramadol (exp103650)". Nov 17, 2020.

150 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol
2 Years of Tramadol What a Time It Has Been

I've been using Tramadol on and off for about 2 years, it started when my mother in law gave me a fistfull of hers cause it wasn't helping with her back and I had bad toothpain. Not only does it help with most pains, but it offers so much more.

I took 5 pills, starting at 4PM today, 50MG each making out to be 250MG. This is NOT recommended for first time users. A hour in I begin to feel talkative, happier, and a lot of feelings and emotions I get from opiates.

It is now 1:21AM the next day, and after 5-6 hours in I get a Heroin type nod, it is actually super relaxing, but it does give me trouble sleeping. I've been found standing up trying to do this, but literally nodding while I'm standing and sometimes almost falling asleep. Most of the time it puts me in a light sleep for the entire night on and off, but I can do fine the next day. These pills have helped a lot with my fatigue and laziness and really gets me in the mood to get up and actually do productive things.

The withdraw for me can sometimes be a headache the next day or two, nothing major. Worst withdraws I've experienced can be nausea and/or nasty attitudes and will make me snap if something annoys me. It's best to sleep this part off as I can become an a** very easily. It's a excellent drug for making life a little better, and making work a little more fun and productive, it gives me good energy and helps me focus on a lot.

THE WORST experience I had with Tramadol was probably last year, it was all my fault, I was probably 600-800MG deep within a 6-7 hour window, and eventually I only wanted to throw up, I was at work and ended up getting extremely pale and sweaty. I sat outside and started to throw up VERY dark red mucusy slime. Most likely blood from my stomach from digesting too much without a lot of food. ALWAYS take it with food either before or after.

Right now I am a little noddish. It's also GREAT with telemarketing jobs as I LOVE to talk.

(I have also read another report where someone was talking about seeing spiders from a withdraw from this drug, I have NEVER experienced seeing ANYTHING, on or off this drug)

Exp Year: 2012-2014ExpID: 103650
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Nov 17, 2020Views: 1,070
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