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Friend In Leo Nep
Leonotis nepetifolia, Catnip & Cannabis
Citation:   Indigo Wolf. "Friend In Leo Nep: An Experience with Leonotis nepetifolia, Catnip & Cannabis (exp103746)". Feb 22, 2023.

  smoked Leonotis nepetifolia
    smoked Catnip
    smoked Cannabis
Recently I've been exploring ethnobotanical herbs as safer, cheaper alternatives to cigs and/or marijuana because my partner and I are planning on moving to a different state in July. Unfortunately, that means we have to stop smoking MJ now (formerly daily users) to get it out of our systems for possible employment drug tests.

So, after searching online, I decided on buying various types of herbs rumored to give a mild 'high' and/or have other medicinal/psychoactive effects. I bought an ounce each of mugwort, catnip, peppermint, and klip dagga (L. nep.). This afternoon I had a smoke session with the dagga just to get acquainted with the new herbs. Due to order complications, I had to wait a little longer for the dagga to come in the mail so I’ve already become acquainted with the other three herbs. After this session, I felt that whatever effects I managed to get had already worn off so my partner and I decided to take my dog and a friend for a walk in the park. Upon returning home, I decided I ought to begin some experimentation with my new herb.

What I Got/Prep
I ordered two ½ ounces of klip dagga flowers, but it appears what I’ve actually received is mostly the extra foliage that supports the pretty orange flowers (if you’ve seen dagga, you know what I mean). Ergo, there’s much more pale yellow, green, and brown than bright orange… although there are SOME flower petals in there. Since it was so cheap, I’m not too concerned. You live and learn.

Anyway, I filled up my “herb” grinder with some of the dagga (making sure there are plenty of orange flowers), gave it a good grind, then packed it into a wood tobacco pipe on top of a little catnip left over from a catnip joint I had earlier. Then, I scraped up as much MJ kief out of my grinder as I could (there wasn’t much) and sprinkled that on top of the dagga.

What Happened Next
I puffed on this mix over the span of about 5-10 minutes (I like to take a few sets of several small/medium puffs rather than long drawn out hits when I use pipes) and tried to hold in as much as I could without making a huge deal of it—no need to pass out. After several sets, I had cached the bowl, put it down, and waited to observe effects.

Within a few minutes I felt emotionally and physically lighter. I felt mildly euphoric, more easily entertained (adultswim ftw), mildly relaxed/sedated/cozy, slightly absent minded (it has taken me a while to type this because I can’t quite pay attention lol), and lifted up out of the weird depressive funk I’d been in since we’ve had to stop using MJ (it’s the most effective treatment for several of my physical and mental afflictions). I would say that these effects are quite similar in feeling to a nice mild MJ buzz. However, I didn’t get some of the other medicinal benefits that I receive from MJ (such as treatment for my chronic headaches) and I don’t think this mix is capable of getting me as high as I get from my quality MJ… if it is possible, I’ll probably have to smoke 2 or 3x more than my typical MJ doses. On the plus, this klip dagga doesn’t come with the munchies like MJ does. While some of the desired effects I achieved might very well be attributed to the kief I sprinkled on top, I’m pretty certain that I didn’t have enough to account for the level of effects I managed to achieve. Especially since I am a very heavy guy and typically have a pretty high tolerance for many substances like MJ and alcohol. It proved to be a very pleasant and, in my opinion, a successful high from the dagga/catnip mix.

Moving Forward
As I feel the effects of this mix wearing off (a couple hours after onset), I am going to pack and light up another bowl of this dagga/ catnip mix without the kief and see if I can replicate the above experiences.

I would say that this is an excellent MJ substitute and/or as an additive to help extend the life of my MJ.

The taste is quite sharp and bitter, but I noticed it goes well with some salty food. It would probably jive very well with tea or orange juice as well.

The smoke is pretty harsh when smoking out of a pipe.

In the future when ordering the dagga online, I will be checking with the vendor that I am getting FLOWER PETALS ONLY. This is supposed to be the part of the plant with the most potency, less bitter taste, and smoothest smoke. I’m kinda bummed that I have so much foliage and so few of the little orange flower petals.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103746
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 22, 2023Views: 249
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Leonotis nepetifolia (371), Catnip (68), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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