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Fun but Not Deep
by Marc
Citation:   Marc. "Fun but Not Deep: An Experience with LSZ (exp103788)". Oct 10, 2015.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSZ (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:30 .5 hits oral LSZ (blotter / tab)
Last week I ordered 3x 150μg LSZ Blotters. They arrived 3 days later and a me and a friend of mine decided to give them a try. Please note that I have no experience with real LSD, since it's not really available where I'm living at the moment. So I can't compare it to the real deal. I have, however, taken Weed, MDMA, Psilocybin, Kratom, LSA, Ritalin, DXM, DPH and different opiates.

Anyway, we each dropped 1 blotter at about 2pm and then made our way to the local park. During the walk, which took about 20min, I started to feel kind of lightheaded. We arrived at the park and sat down. At this point colours were mildly shifted. We sat for a while and thought this was it. So we went to get something to eat.

While walking there we began laughing and when we got there we couldn't keep it together anymore. There definitely was a effect now (About 1:30h in). We sat on a bench outside and it grew stronger and stronger. We were just really, really happy. Also, I got this feeling in my neck. it felt kind of rigid, if that makes any sense. While we sat there, we decided to share the last tab. So we split the 150μg.

The high continued growing stronger for about 2h or so. We just walked through the city and laughed our asses off at everything. The visuals, which came in at about 2.5h in, were amazing. The road seemed to have veins coming out of it and the sky was morphing heavily. A lot of people we saw seemed very familiar to me, but I knew I had never seen them before.

At some point I was lying under a tree and looking up when my entire vision turned into a kaleidoscope of leaves and branches. There were hundreds of little faces on the tree, watching me.

We started coming down after ~5h. I felt like I laughed for 4 hours straight. While coming down I realized that my cheeks were hurting. All in all it wasn't really a deep experience but a fun way to spend a day with a friend. It also seems to have a very long come-up. Maybe I'll try taking some more in the future.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103788
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 10, 2015Views: 2,080
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LSZ (609) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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