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I'll Never Smoke Weed on Mushrooms Again
Cannabis after Mushrooms
by Jive
Citation:   Jive. "I'll Never Smoke Weed on Mushrooms Again: An Experience with Cannabis after Mushrooms (exp103839)". May 7, 2019.

T+ 0:00
3.54 g oral Mushrooms
  T+ 7:00 4 hits smoked Cannabis
Last week me and my boyfriend took acid twice, 4 hits apeice. It was great acid and we both had a really good time, just being together. We have grown closer in these experiences.

Three days ago, we ate 2 shroom chocolates apeice at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The trip was amazing, just like on the acid. Everything was fine.

At 11 pm he lit up a blunt for the comedown and offered to smoke with me, but I generally don't smoke weed. I made an exception for that night, and took 4 hits.
I generally don't smoke weed. I made an exception for that night, and took 4 hits.
I immediately knew something was wrong. I sat down next to my boyfriend in the living room, and watched him play call of duty. In my head, I had begun forgetting everything right after it happened. I tried to pay attention to the game, but I was completely loosing my humanity. I couldn't speak. In my mind, I tried to remember everything in my life but I kept feeling like it was being erased and was going brain dead. I felt that nothing mattered anymore, that life was a random experience and that when we die, we just for back to being nothing. I remembered the word hospital, after what seemed like an eternity. 'Baby, I need to go to the hospital.' I said. He asked me if I was serious, and I repeated yes, that there's something wrong. I thought my mind was erasing everything that had ever happened. My boyfriend has had an anxiety disorder almost his whole life, and he immediately recognised the panic attack. 'Baby breath. Can you remember your name?' I told him my name, and answered all his questions without slurring, but I really thought I was dying. Like my brain was shutting down completely but I wasnt having trouble talking at all. All I wanted to do was go to the hospital.

He put me in the shower, and made me eat, then laid down talking to me for hours until I fell asleep. I woke up fine, and we joked about the experienced. He asked me if I really thought I was going to be the first person to die from smoking weed. I thought the horrible experience was over, but I've had two panic attacks since then because of the feeling I felt when I was high.
I've had two panic attacks since then because of the feeling I felt when I was high.
I'm scared I'm going to have a stroke, or an aneurysm. Its put stress on our relationship but I can't take my mind off of it. I constantly feel a pressure in my head, like there's a warming pad in between my brain and my skull.

I've tried to relax and take my mind off of it, watching TV, playing games, but I can't help thinking I'm going to die.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 103839
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 7, 2019Views: 727
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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