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Relaxing Dizziness
Etizolam & Clonazepam
Citation:   Allen. "Relaxing Dizziness: An Experience with Etizolam & Clonazepam (exp103903)". Sep 25, 2019.

T+ 0:00
6 mg oral Etizolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30 4 mg oral Etizolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:00 4 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:40 2 mg oral Etizolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:45 2 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 8:00 2 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I have been taking Etizolam daily for the past 6 months in doses of 2-4 mg throughout the day for anxiety and depression - both of which were well cured by Etizolam. My first purchase of Etizolam came in small, red, round capsules of 2 mg dosage. They were of an unknown manufacturer and came vacuum sealed in plastic. After a while, I was not able to obtain these any more, and switched to Etiilam branded 1 mg capsules of Etizolam of the same shape, except in a light blue color, of which came in blister packs of 10.

About a month ago, I stopped taking Etizolam as it had lost most of its effects. A few days ago I ordered some more, and today, I decided to go for a huge dose to experience the full recreational effects.

1:00 PM [T+0:00] - I take 6 mg Etiilam (Etizolam) orally on an empty stomach.

1:20 PM [T+0:20] - Starting to feel very relaxed, and a bit dizzy. The muscle relaxant properties of the drug are becoming prominent as my motor skills are somewhat degraded. I feel a bit 'wobbly', for lack of a better word.

1:45 PM [T+0:45] - Motor skills have become more impaired and I keep bumping into walls while walking. The feeling is very similar to as if I were drunk. Otherwise, I feel very relaxed and content.

2:30 PM [T+1:30] - I take another 4 mg Etiilam (Etizolam) orally, still on an empty stomach. At this point the 'intoxication' of the drug does not seem to be increasing and I'd like the high to continue.

4:00 PM [T+3:00] - I take 4 mg Klonopin (Clonazepam) orally, still on an empty stomach. At this point I am having trouble walking properly, constantly bumping into things or falling over. Not much euphoria to be spoken of, but the high is still enjoyable nonetheless.

4:30 PM [T+3:30] - At this point I'm really having trouble walking - my coordination is very off. I'm falling over, bumping into things - otherwise I am having a good time.

5:00 PM [T+4:00] - I can barely walk, I'm stumbling all over the place. Otherwise, I feel slight dry mouth and a bit funny - things that are normally not very funny to me are quite enjoyable. I'm also feeling rather drowsy.

5:30 PM [T+4:30] - My typing abilities are quite bad - constant typos (I am repeatedly using spelling correction. Additionally, my memory is very short-term - I am constantly forgetting what I was doing when I walk into another room. It took me about 10 minutes to figure out that I was trying to get a soda from the fridge.

5:34 PM [T+4:34] - I just dropped something and went down to reach it, causing me to fall off my computer chair. I laid on the ground for about a minute before standing back up.
I just dropped something and went down to reach it, causing me to fall off my computer chair. I laid on the ground for about a minute before standing back up.

6:30 PM [T+5:30] - I feel like I am coming down, though I am still very dizzy and clumsy feeling. I can't say that I felt any sense of euphoria throughout this experience, but it was definitely enjoyable in its own way.

6:40 PM [T+5:40] - I take another 2 mg Etiilam (Etizolam). I'm still feeling very wobbly and social (I talked to my girlfriend quite a lot more than I usually do about things that don't normally interest me - this drug definitely has a social aspect to it.

6:45 PM [T+5:45] - I take another 2 mg Klonopin (Clonazepam).

7:00 PM [T+6:00] - Fell yet again just trying to reach for something off the floor. Motor skills are severely impaired.

9:00 PM [T+8:00] - The effects of the drugs are still quite prominent - I take another 2 mg Klonopin (Clonazepam).

9:40 PM [T+8:40] - Coordination has reached the level that I cannot stand up or even walk sometimes properly without falling over or knocking into walls. I have fallen over so many times that my significant other cautioned to be careful with the drugs and offered to watch over me, but I declined.

12:00 PM [T+11:00] - Effects have mostly worn off. My balance is still a bit off but otherwise I feel fairly normal. Overall an enjoyable experience, definitely. In total, I have taken 14 mg Etiilam (Etizolam) and 6 mg Klonopin. It was indeed an enjoyable day, one that I may repeat soon.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103903
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 25, 2019Views: 1,553
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125), Etizolam (568) : General (1), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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