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Good High Bad Comedown
bk-MDEA (Ethylone)
Citation:   Furykehd. "Good High Bad Comedown: An Experience with bk-MDEA (Ethylone) (exp104007)". Apr 30, 2016.

T+ 0:00
  oral bk-MDEA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00   oral bk-MDEA (powder / crystals)
Better Than Others Say / Good High Bad Comedown

About 7 of the ten reports I've found on this stuff says it was a big disappointment, no euphoria, only slight head high, and not worth it at all. And the other three said that it was only decent, nowhere close to Molly.

I've done what was sold as Molly ( who knows what any of it actually was) more time that I can count, and I remember one of those time a few years ago, I had some shit that tasted like brown sugar and I only remember the roll being different I can't remember how.

It's been a while since I've done Molly, maybe a month. And I remember that it was super intense, and time flew by, hours felt like ten minutes. Which I hated.

I talked to a new guy when I was fiending for anything to get high on, and I looked up the only stuff he had, ethylone. And the very few reviews I found were mainly negative, but I was fiending and it wasn't too expensive, so I got in anyways.

My hopes were very low for it up until I took some (I didn't scale it, just crushed the crystals and eyeballed about a .2), at around 530, and within ten minutes I got the pre-roll placebo anxious nervous feel that I usually get with Molly, but a little more intense. I got a little paranoid cause I was in the car with my mom going to pick up a friend, and at this point I bought it was gonna be wicked powerful cause I took too much. By the time I got to his house it was almost 610 and I was rolling pretty hard.

Started blinking a lot, music sounded great, I felt a little lighter and a lot happier. On the ride home my music steadily got better and better, and I got home around 645, and I almost fell getting out of the car, I felt light as a feather, and had to bite my tongue kind of hard to keep from laughing and cracking a big grin in front of my mom. We immediately left the house and road bikes to the beach about a mile and a half away, which is usually not to bad of a bike ride (I'm skinny but out of shape) when we got downtown probably 10-15 minutes later the roll had significantly decreased (probably due to the exercise and hot weather) and after sitting down, I talked easily and openly. For me focusing on anything whether it's music, conversations, playing with my self (ESPECIALLY), anything, I feel it way harder. And the conversation brought it almost back to the peak, the ride home maybe 20 minutes or an hour killed it completely. By the time I was on my street, I didn't wanna talk, laugh, do anything. I felt VERY depressed and missing the roll like you'd miss a girlfriend you haven't seen for a week. This comedown happened at around 730.

I got home, and immediately took more than I did the first time, not by much, maybe a .4. And about 15 minutes later the talking and happiness started to come back.
I got home, and immediately took more than I did the first time, not by much, maybe a .4. And about 15 minutes later the talking and happiness started to come back.
After kicking in steadily for 45 minutes or so, it was fully there.This roll was more intense, and more talkative. We walked for most of it and it wasn't as bad as riding a bike. I got home around 830 after that, and I sat in the tv room and talked with my friend about real stuff for a change, we went outside for a while smoked some butts and talked more. It's about 1017 now and I don't feel like talking much or walking, I still definitely feel it still, just less intense.

When my parents go to sleep I'm gonna finish or the around about .3 that's left of the gram.

On the whole, the effects were very similar to Molly. Everything felt the same besides that it wasn't as intense at all, time felt slower and not fast, and if Molly is an upper ( which it is for me, I feel like running, dancing, being active like on adderall), ethylone was a downer (I didn't wanna move to fast or talk to load, just wanted to walk normal speed or sit down) the duration of my first experience with this stuff today lasted maybe 2 hours (disappointing) and this one is still going a little at 10:21.

At around 1015, the effects were still present a little, I felt tired, and didn't want to talk at all. Not much if any euphoria, but the depressing feeling that I got after the first dose wasn't there yet. I split the rest of it, leaving myself a little for another time, and when it kicked in I only got very minor effect, my talking went back up and my mood was uplifted a little, no euphoria beside when I felt the relief on urinating
when it kicked in I only got very minor effect, my talking went back up and my mood was uplifted a little, no euphoria beside when I felt the relief on urinating
after holding for a while (just slight tingles until I stopped). Talked until around 1 then started feeling tired again, at about 110 I felt the depression from the first comedown only way worse, it's 247 right now and I can't sleep. My least favorite part about nights like these.

As with most drugs that I do (LSD, Molly, 25i-nbome, mushrooms [only slightly], adderall, coke, and rarely happens with dxm only if I drink a few energy drinks) I tried getting to sleep right as soon as I noticed the comedown. I was gonna hopefully beat the depression as I am already depressed sober, so this is just hell, and as usual trying to head it off didn't work. My head started pounding with a brutal headache similar to 25i about 30 minutes before the full comedown. I went to bed and I started tossing and turning, and much like Molly I couldn't get my head to relax. I'm not thinking fast like I do with Molly. I'm barely thinking at all, like my mind's blank. I have that 'I wish I was still fucked up' angst. And I keep getting aroused (sorry for that detail, but I'm trying to explain as much as I can seeing there's almost no info on this substance) after I relieve that urge my heart's racing and I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack, and I'm sweating profusely. I have trouble eating on comedowns, especially when my mouth is dry, which it has been since I first started dosing. I'm sort of nauseous with hunger but the thought of chewing food with a dry mouth just convinces me not to eat.

I feel like my mind is still wanting to be up, blissful, and talking, but my body just can't. Aches, pains, motivation to do make almost any move. I'm really wanting to finish the bag, but I know it'd be a waste. Not signs of addicting-style withdrawal like with coke or Molly, just sad. I'm fiending being sober and asleep right now.

Research chemicals are usually a little better than the drugs they're similar to, but with a weird uncomfortableness. This was the case for the high, the high was lovely. But the comedown is much more achey, and a little less annoying than the comedown of Molly. Getting my mind to shut the fuck up after rolling on Molly is impossible, it's like having a 9 year old kid talking nonstop in my head that you can't stop.

I don't really recommend this too much because the comedown is hell, and it only really lasts for 2 hours (if I'm active) to 2:30-3 hours if I'm not (from my limited experience).

I like this stuff more than Molly cause I'm not making HORRIBLE decisions. blowing my money, talking to cops, admitting I'm on the shit to people, and the Molly roll feels far too quick. I like how with this stuff, I can still reason with rationality, I may be a bit clumsier, I can take less and feel it, and gotta love that brown sugary taste too! :D

For 75 a g, and the fact that it's a research chemical (which seem worse and more dangerous than also bad and dangerous Molly) I don't think I'll be doing this as much as I did Molly a few years back. I want to try this with LSD or mushrooms.

And on a last note, Melatonin helped get rid of most of the anxiety that was present a little before.

[Reported Dose: '1 gram']

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 104007
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 30, 2016Views: 3,695
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bk-MDEA (346) : Alone (16), General (1)

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