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Two Days in a Row Is a Waste
bk-MDEA (Ethylone)
Citation:   Furykehd. "Two Days in a Row Is a Waste: An Experience with bk-MDEA (Ethylone) (exp104013)". Apr 30, 2016.

    bk-MDEA (powder / crystals)
Last night I rolled three times off it (.3ish the first, .4ish the second, and .2 the third) and by the third the euphoria was almost non existent, my mood was still slightly uplifted and my talking was just as faster as the other two.

Today, against my better judgment, I killed the rest of the bag. The math says it was a .1, but it looked bigger, maybe .2 my eyeballing skills for powder are next to nil. The tolerance build is definitely apparent. I found myself doing a big no-no after dosing, which is 'high chasing' as I call it. I was just like 'I can't wait to feel it, when am I gonna feel it, why am I not feeling it'. After an hour I was upset, I felt it very slightly, just enough to make me want more.
'I can't wait to feel it, when am I gonna feel it, why am I not feeling it'. After an hour I was upset, I felt it very slightly, just enough to make me want more.
Which is a shitty feeling. I went outside and plugged in my headphones and started jamming some hardside, which helped boost it a little. Now I feel it, but much less significant.

My music appreciation is lifted, my mood isn't too altered, and I'm alone so I'm not talking. When I focus on something I feel it more. I'm wicked hot tonight which I didn't really notice too much yesterday cause of the intensity. It took longer to fully kick in too, about an hour and a half

Definitely a waste, don't use it two days in a row

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 104013
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 30, 2016Views: 3,071
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bk-MDEA (346) : Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1), Alone (16)

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