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Mellow With Less Memory Loss
Citation:   The_Hommie_Herbert. "Mellow With Less Memory Loss: An Experience with Etizolam (exp104022)". Aug 6, 2017.

I'm not in a mood to write a long report so I will just outline stuff

I like this more than xanax. It was more mellow with less memory loss. It also seemed more euphoric and served as a better sleep aid. The anxiety relief was still very good but not quite that of xanax. It came with intense muscle relaxation.

It kicked in in about 20mins when dissolved under the tongue.

Tolerance grew rather quickly. In about a week 1mg turned to 2 mg and then in about a month I needed 5mg to get the same effect. I took them about 4-5 days a week

I order them online.

I cant think of anything else to write as of now.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104022
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 6, 2017Views: 2,658
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Etizolam (568) : General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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