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Mood Elevation Giggles
Sceletium tortuosum
Citation:   Velada. "Mood Elevation Giggles: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum (exp104076)". May 20, 2020.

50 - 70 mg insufflated Sceletium tortuosum (ground / crushed)
Note: I tripped on LSA four days before this. I highly doubt that it had an effect on this experience but I thought I should mention it anyway just in case.

21:15 – I'm watching Robert Anton Wilson's standup show 'Religion for the Hell of It' and decide to try Sceletium Tortuosum (Kanna) for the first time. I take my vial obtained from a reputable online smartshop and pour out what I estimate to be 50-70 mgs of the stuff. With a cut straw I snort the powder in 4 or 5 sniffs. I had heard insufflation of Kanna is painful but my I've only got a gram and my cheapness exceeds my instinctive reflex to avoid pain. I don't experience any pain, however, just a fresh feeling in my nostrils not unlike the one I would get from smelling strong mint.

21:20 – I feel a mood change now. It's subtle but definitely there. I would describe it as an elevated feeling and an increased centerdness in the moment (though part of this was most likely brought on by me being extra conscious to detect the drug's effects). My thoughts gain a greater clarity and they seem more separate from my sensory perceptions.

21:30 – I remember I have to feed my neighbors' chickens because they are on holiday and go outside. Before I was sitting in my room looking at a screen so it hadn't been so obvious, but once outside an increase in visual acuity is evident. The sky and trees seem really nice and bright. As I walk to my neighbors' house I also get giggles brought on for absolutely no reason, yet as soon as they are over I am back to my calmly happy self, as if there is no fall-out from the laughter. Strange. This happens three or four more times this evening.

21:40 – Back inside and I am beginning to feel tired. Not certain if that is because it's evening or an effect brought on by the substance or a combination of both. I go to the toilet and discover either my sister or her boyfriend, who shortly dropped by two hours earlier, have left a giant floater. Not exactly something I'd be raging about when sober, but I don't notice even the slightest trace of irritation.

22:20 – Finished watching Wilson's show which was excellent, though I don't think the ST made much of a difference in how I experienced it. I'm tired now and want to go to bed. Once there I find that I cannot fall asleep, and now I do feel irritated because I just want to drift off into unconsciousness now. I try to read for a bit but have a hard time focusing. Then I meditate but have a hard time focusing with this also, and a mild headache creeps up on me. I fall asleep eventually.

Conclusion: Very subtle though enjoyable effects. Fairly cost effective too considering that I paid 3,95 euros for one gram. Based on this first experience Kanna does not really seem worth doing just on its own, though (at least not at this dosage), unless I'm in a bad mood or it's Christmas and I have to communicate with family members. Curious to experience the reportedly synergistic effects with cannabis.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104076
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 20, 2020Views: 2,316
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Sceletium tortuosum (179) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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