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My World Intertwined With a Movie
Zolpidem, Tianeptine & Alcohol
Citation:   Jacob. "My World Intertwined With a Movie: An Experience with Zolpidem, Tianeptine & Alcohol (exp104129)". Dec 15, 2015.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Pharms - Tianeptine  
  T+ 0:00 1 shot oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 0:00 25 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:45   oral Tea  
This trip took place during a night alone. I decided that I would continue taking my usual dose of 200mg tianeptine, which always gives me a great sense of wellbeing. I combined the aforementioned with a shot of 94 proof gin, and 25mg (2x 12.5mg) of Zolpidem, generic Ambien. I combined all three at 7:20.

T + 0:00: Ingested all the substances. I went upstairs quickly, as i knew the effects would occur within the next 15 minutes from both tianeptine and zolpidem.

T + 0:10: From this point on, everything is a blur, and I manage to write events down on paper that I do not completely recall writing.

This is the first perceptual change. There was a rush of anxiolytic effects. My vision was slightly - maybe even a placebo - blurred.

T + 0:15: This is 15 minutes after I take my dose, and this is where the effects are extremely prominent. I experience double vision, and my brain starts to lose memory function, as well as inhibition.

T + 0:30: I wrote, 'extremely intertwined with the movie I'm watching'. I am very fucked up at this point.

T + 0:45: I wrote, 'I feel like im da boss of worl'. Clearly, I was losing my ability to think, and resultingly, write correctly. I remember sometime around then, I went downstairs to get some green tea to sooth my upset stomach.

T + 1:00: I wrote, 'I'm also the boss of the citizens'. I'm not sure completely what was going on, but I was most likely referring to the people I was 'Talking' to in the video I was watching.

T + 1:30: I wrote, 'My world is deep profound, nature is butiful'. If there's one thing I certainly remember, it was feeling very interconnected and at peace with nature. Around this same time, I apparently got on my laptop and tweeted strange and nonsensical things to my friends.

T + 1:45 ++: After this point in time, I managed to write nothing down. I just remember going outside and enjoying nature further.

Finally, at around T + 3 or so hours, I go to bed. I fall asleep like a rock. I woke up feeling refreshed the next morning.

In summary, ambien is a very strong nonbenzodiazepine. It renders my memory nearly useless, so I'm surprised I managed to remember some of the events. I will not use the combination again, because ambien is no longer in my best interest to consume.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104129
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 15, 2015Views: 1,930
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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