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The Effect on BP Was Worrisome
Citation:   mrnoodles. "The Effect on BP Was Worrisome: An Experience with 2C-D (exp104220)". May 26, 2018.

    Pharms - Losartan (daily)
      Pharms - Atenolol (daily)
  3 mg insufflated 2C-D (powder / crystals)
    oral Pharms - Losartan  
    oral Pharms - Atenolol  
    oral Yohimbine  
2 Combinations Dangerous

I have had one previous experience with 2CD that was very negative physically: I ingested approximately 20 mg 2CD with some friends. We started feeling the effects within the hour, but I alone started to feel chest pains. During come-up I was concerned enough to take some trazodone for some of its sedating/trip killing/alpha-blocking effects. Overall a physically unpleasant experience over several hours that took over from any vaguely pleasant qualities I noticed.

It's been a few months since that experience. For some reason I was still intrigued by 2CD and thought that a low dose might prove interesting or useful to explore. I weighed 5 mg and thought about ingesting it, but then thought that dividing it in half would be safe to insufflate. So about 2 or 3 mg of 2CD is a pretty small amount to rail. There was some pain but it was by no means overwhelming, though I'm sure a larger rail would be much more intense/painful to endure.

The first thing I noticed was my heart rate increasing to around 100 bpm over several minutes. Over about half an hour I felt some pleasant sensations and awareness that something psychotropic was happening. What was more worrisome however was my heart rate and blood pressure. BP climbed to 130 then up to nearly 150 systolic. Heart rate peaked at 120 bpm resting. I reassured myself that things would pass a lot quicker with this route of administration. I chewed some losartan and took some atenolol (beta blocker) I take these daily anyway. About two hours later some yohimbine hcl (alpha blocker).
I chewed some losartan and took some atenolol (beta blocker) I take these daily anyway. About two hours later some yohimbine hcl (alpha blocker).

I did not experience any pain this time, but the effect on BP was worrisome. I noticed I was breathing slow, shallow breaths and felt some chest pressure, but nothing like any sort of pain.

The 2CD seemed stimulating and seemed to hint that more was possible. I am mainly interested in sexual effects, and at peak the 2CD didn't increase arousal, and seemed to make erection more difficult. With a bit of effort erection was possible and orgasm was definitely intensified, though not prolonged.

I am surprised at the pharmacological potency of 2CD. A concern for me is taking beta-blockers when these can be/are contraindicated with amphetamines. I have rolled numerous times on MDMA and never felt concerned about my physical safety - that may be a false sense of security but that's the way I feel on MDMA. I may be unusually sensitive to 2CD, and this makes me wonder if the whole 2C-x class is off limits to me. I'm not sure if I'm up to repeating the experiment at an even lower dose after weaning off the atenolol to see if that's the cause of my problems, and a dangerous combination.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104220
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: May 26, 2018Views: 1,731
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2C-D (103) : Combinations (3), Sex Discussion (14), Performance Enhancement (50), Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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