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Great Day
Citation:   Thewatchfuleye. "Great Day: An Experience with Etizolam (exp104342)". Apr 3, 2020.

0.5 mg oral Etizolam
  0.25 mg oral Etizolam
  0.25 mg oral Etizolam
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
  1 glass oral Alcohol
Had a few beers the previous night, too close to bed, was up way too late first week of football. Slept a rough few hours beer made me too thirsty, though I only had about 4. Woke up around 7, not hung over, but had my heart rate high enough that I was ready to get moving but knew I didn't have enough sleep for what I had set for the day. I've had this happen before. I should note I'm not a regular drinker, smoker or opiate user, though I am prescribed Xanax which I seldom use and never use more than .25mg. I also space any drinking 8hrs from using Xanax. At this time if I had to go to work I'd take .25mg Xanax and go throughout the day, I didn't have to work and never used Etizolam in this situation.

I took .5mg and just laid there, about 20min later I felt a drowsiness, calm yet almost a foggy feeling like when I had last been prescribed Codeine several years ago. I decided to smoke a cigarette, which left me with a nice tingly feeling and I fell asleep for about 2 hrs. I woke up around 10, hungry (Benzos give me munchies). Ate breakfast got ready to go out. Before leaving around noon I had another .25mg Etizolam.

I went about the afternoon doing my stuff with this calm comfortable feeling. Unlike Xanax which would make me very drowsy I instead had the soft warm feeling I get from an opiate, like no cares in the world. Everything fit together nice, I wasn't stressed, just like all cares of the world were lifted. I did smoke about 5 cigarettes over the course of the day (a lot for me, since a pack usually lasts over a month), to maintain a sort of focus.

I took the last .25mg before dinner and about and hour later just felt fantastic. I didn't feel overly drowsy, I felt no anxiety, stress or anything bad. It's been about 8hrs since the last .25mg, just had a drink and feel warm cozy and ready for bed. I don't recommend drinking while taking Benzos, I always space them substantially, but all in all it is was a wonderful day. I think, as long as I can discipline myself this is very useful stuff. I had no trouble limiting the Etizolam
I had no trouble limiting the Etizolam
, if anything I had a harder time limiting smoking, and I might smoke 3-4 packs over the course of an entire year.

I think the best parts were I wasn't insanely drowsy like Xanax, it didn't impair my motor skills, it simply wiped the cares of the world away.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104342
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Apr 3, 2020Views: 1,892
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