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This Is Not a Replacement for Pot
Sceletium tortuosum
Citation:   growl. "This Is Not a Replacement for Pot: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum (exp104366)". Nov 15, 2016.

  smoked Sceletium tortuosum (dried)
    smoked Sceletium tortuosum (extract)
I will try to keep this straight and to the point of my kanna experience but I must introduce my background to add understanding to the full experience.

Background: I have been an almost daily smoker of pot and recently started a new job with 6 months of randomized drug testing as a probational period. I had to quit for that reason - which I was extremely unhappy about. After quitting weed for over 45 days, I see pot's true medical benefits. I suffer from chronic gastro-intestinal problems along with an impulse control disorder. Weed helped with all my symptoms - nausea, headache, anxiety, impulsive urges that I suffer from. As far as my experience with other drugs, I am experienced: MDMA, LSD, mushrooms, coke, adderall, xanax, klonopin, hydros, honey butane oil, the list goes on.

Experience: I am craving some relief and have a urge to smoke something to get my mind off weed. Maybe this 6 months won't be so hard with a replacement. I order kanna dried leaf and 20x resin. I researched this plant and thought it was the best choice for legal alternatives.

I tried the dried leaf first - I didn't measure it - just filled up a small bowl. I hit it - which tastes not as bad as I thought. I hold the smoke in and blow out the smoke - I feel an instant head rush/high. I feel awful! It is not a good high at all. It does go straight to my head in a buzzy feeling but makes me feel nauseous, gives me a headache, and the after taste is gross. I would say it does give me a buzz and does mellow me out - as I laid around for 2 hours after my hit. I tried it again after the 2 hours and the same feeling - it was not enjoyable to me. There is no body high but the head high is not even good.
it was not enjoyable to me. There is no body high but the head high is not even good.

I then tried the 20x resin which I purchased a few days after my first experience and just put some over the dried leaves and took multiple hits, trying to see if this would change my experience. Instead, it was the exact same feeling - I would say I felt like it was an unnatural feeling. It made me feel sick - it goes straight to my head in a buzz but the buzz is not clean nor psychadelic. It's a mellowing effect but to me, not my cup of tea nor a good replacement for weed. It almost makes me more anxious, as both times I tried it, it gave me a 'tight' chest feeling.

Conclusion: It does have a buzz. For a replacement for weed - this is a no go for me. The best way I can explain it is that is not clean high, it makes me feel nauseous, and it almost feels like it should not be ingested or smoked. I don't ever want to try it again.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104366
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Nov 15, 2016Views: 4,467
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Sceletium tortuosum (179) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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