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A Big Warm Hug
Codeine, Loperamide & Rum
Citation:   Pescatore. "A Big Warm Hug: An Experience with Codeine, Loperamide & Rum (exp104403)". May 3, 2016.

T+ 0:00
6 mg oral Loperamide (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 75 ml oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 0:35 90 mg oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 50 ml oral Alcohol - Hard  
First, a little background. I'm a healthy twentysomething, although on the night of this experience, I have a bit of a cold. I'm largely opiate-naive, having only sampled codeine, but it is my second favourite drug of choice (MDMA wins). I've been recreationally taking codeine infrequently (once every 2-5 months) for the last three or so years, usually when recovering from a particularly bad hangover, or when I have a chance to have a (rare) lazy afternoon. On these past occasions I have usually taken 120mg-350mg, depending on how much time I've had and whether I've been needing to make useful conversation. Besides this, I take other substances infrequently (only about once every 3-6 months, alas), and of these, usually MDMA. On this particular occasion, I've had a long day at work and have been a bit under the weather (sneezing all day), so wasn't going to be much use for anything productive this evening. On to the experience....

I'd been nearing the end of my pack of codeine and only had 90mg left, so was looking for something to make it go a bit further. A quick read on codeine potentiators threw up loperamide as a good candidate, as it is a peripheral opioid-receptor agonist, thus competitively binds to opioid receptors in the gastrointestinal tract, leaving more morphine (the active metabolite of codeine) to bind to receptors in the brain. On top of this, I always find a drink or two helps to get the codeine off to a good start (less scientific that one). After double checking that this combo wasn't going to land me in hospital, I went for it, with excellent results!

t-35 I dropped 6mg loperamide on an empty stomach, didn't want to take too much as I would like to poo sometime soon. I then ate a light salad, poured myself a rum on the rocks and started sipping it.

t0 Dropped the 90mg codeine, hoping that it wouldn't be a waste and that I'd get something out of this evening.

t+20 Started to get my first wave of that lovely codeine buzz (it always reminds me of a hug from a close friend). Clearly the loperamide was an excellent idea, as this was on the same level as the feeling I've had from some of my highest doses (270mg+) and was a very welcome surprise. Put on some soft music and curled up.

t+45 After another lovely wave hitting, I decided this was such a success that I should write about it, so started penning my experience in between waves, which were coming as per usual, every 15-25 minutes, whilst the feeling in between was also very warm and comforting. This high as certainly on a par with much higher doses that I'd taken previously, and seemed to have fewer (practically none) immediate side effects. No itching, no slight nausea or headache that I've sometimes had with high doses in the past, but all the positive feelings completely. put on some slow, soft music. which set off another wave, mmmm.

t+60, poured myself another smaller glass of rum and continued sitting, blissed out, certainly the best way to get through a cold. Continued like this for another 2 hours, writing little bits of this in the moments of greater clarity between waves. Got up to go to the loo once and get a drink of water at another point. Wobblier than usual, even compared to the higher doses, and also noticed that my breathing has been slowed more than usual, but not to any extent that I was worrying.
also noticed that my breathing has been slowed more than usual, but not to any extent that I was worrying.

t+180 Continuing to ride this out, waves or warmth starting to lessen in intensity and frequency now, so when I feel more normal in an hour or so, I'll probably head to bed. Let's hope I can poo before next week.

Overall I can say that was an overwhelming success, excellent for making my supply last longer! Also loved the reduction in annoying side effects. Will certainly be repeating this combination in future, whenever I next find an occasion for a codeine hug.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104403
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: May 3, 2016Views: 4,352
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Codeine (14) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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