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A Visual Fox
5-MeO-DiPT & Cannabis
Citation:   Anonymous. "A Visual Fox: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT & Cannabis (exp10442)". Jun 25, 2004.

12 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT
Despite many reports to the contrary this substance produced signifigant visual alterations for 3 of 4 people taking it (including myself) at this dosage level. I experienced brightness, slight wavering, and objects taking on geometric formations similar to shrooms or 2ct-7. This aspect of my experience surprised me the most due to the lack of reported visuals. The most negative aspect of this substance is the nausea induced by such a small amount. The nausea is not all that bad and does not take away much from the experience but is certainly an unwanted effect. I intend to find out if snorting this substance would eliminate this nausea. A person with me the night of the experience threw up as soon as the nausea hit and he reported that after he threw up the nausea dissapeared for the rest of the night.

If I were to pick a single substance to draw an analogy with 5meo-dipt it would be mushrooms, but without the insightful leaps that can be made while on mushrooms. The 5meo-dipt made me rather stupid forgetting what I had just done a minute ago. I found myself rambling on only to forget what I was trying to say in the first place. Throughout the night a large smile was plastered across the face of all the people I was with; however to me the smile seemed fake and without any feeling behind it. As if the drug wasnt making me feel happy so I smiled; but rather just made me smile. I laughed a lot; and sometimes I wasnt sure what at. Perhaps the most intersting aspect of this drug was when I focused only on one thing at a time; and when I focused on that one thing nothing else around me existed. As I stared at two of my friends next to a plant I felt as though we were on some deserted island in the middle of nowhere. I found that the most intersting mental and visual effects were felt when I focused on one particular scene or object.

Living up to its reputation the fox was able to produce a very foxy state of physical and sensual sensations; not as strong or enjoyable as MDMA but without the erectile difficulties. Effects lasted 6 hours or so and I had some trouble getting to sleep but then again I usually do anyways. Coming down was fine with no negative effects that drugs such as MDMA or LSD cause. Woke up the next day feeling normal as if nothing had even happened. This chemical has great potential for widespread use/abuse; it is cheap, fun, shortlasting; and sensual.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10442
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2004Views: 8,674
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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