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Pipe Repair
Inhalants (Glue)
Citation:   Billie. "Pipe Repair: An Experience with Inhalants (Glue) (exp10444)". Jun 13, 2007.

    Inhalants (gas)
This is a lesson in bong repair, and a lesson learned the hard way. I share this to prevent similar accidents. A small party bong I owned broke, the slide cracked, my friend thought it might be a good idea to repair it with glue, and unspecific epoxy glue, as we began smoking with the bong that night with a group of about 5 people me being the last to receive it, the bong worked fine, as it got to me a took one big hit and passed, with in seconds I felt nausea and a strong light-headed feeling. I got up and excused myself from the room, the moment I stepped out side, my entire frame of reference began to shake and undulate violently, so much so that I fell over, not able to stand on ground that was moving so much, I thought I should go to my room, but I had to crawl a good 100 feet before I could gain any kind of balance, enough even to stand.

I stumbled to the elevator and by this point my vision and hearing were so altered that, as later told, I could not see or hear my close friend who happened to walk by and say hello in passing, I simply collapsed into the elevator, when I got to my room, I lay down on the couch, my vision was restored but I had what I will call enhanced sonic perception, I could hear the lights in my room, people talking down the hall, every tiny little noise seemed defining, these maladies eventually subsided, and I was left with headache the rest of the night. You see, the glue used to fix the bong had heated up after just 4 people hit it, and I got a large hit of super glue along with the cannabis. I have experimented quite a bit with psychedelic drugs, and I cant remember a time when my hearing or vision has been so uncomfortably altered.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10444
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 13, 2007Views: 19,360
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Inhalants (29) : What Was in That? (26), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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