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Weird Bad Risky
Noopept & Alcohol
Citation:   Thewatchfuleye. "Weird Bad Risky: An Experience with Noopept & Alcohol (exp104440)". Nov 7, 2015.

10 mg oral Noopept (powder / crystals)
    repeated oral Alcohol  
Had a couple of bizarre reactions to this combo. Alcohol consumption basically to the point of a nice heavy buzz, Noopept was approximately 5-10mg. Basically I'd feel mentally alert but my judgement was way off, I'd do stupid crap and think I was the genius of the world.

Now I've used Noopept many times before and it seems to heighten my thought process, so basically what happened when combined with Alcohol I had this weird lack of judgement. For me it was laughably stupid foibles but this could be seriously dangerous depending on what you were thinking. For me it was trying to reinvent a simple device, but if you thought jumping downstairs was a great idea you'd probably do it. Additionally sometimes I'd blackout at much less than normal tolerance. Unless you're safe with someone to watch you don't recommend this combo. Only positive attribute was next to no hangover.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104440
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Nov 7, 2015Views: 9,681
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Alcohol (61), Noopept  (579) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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