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Pure Empathy and Understanding
4-AcO-DMT, Methoxetamine & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   PancakeLizard. "Pure Empathy and Understanding: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT, Methoxetamine & Nitrous Oxide (exp104675)". Feb 9, 2018.

2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  15 mg insufflated Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
  20 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (capsule)
  15 mg insufflated Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
  2 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  15 mg insufflated Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
So I'd like to start this report by saying this is my first and I would also like to note that I am fairly experienced with psychedelics, dissociatives, stimulants, depressants, and just about everything inbetween.

After I got out of work, I wasn't in such a great mood. I had already planned to trip that night but my friend who I had made plans to trip with had decided he would rather drink instead. After I got home from work I met up with my friend Bryan and smoked a couple bowls and started feeling better so I decided I was going to trip anyway despite Bryan not wanting to.

At around 1:00 AM, I snorted 15 mg of MXE and put on Weeds on Netflix. After I started to feel the typical light headedness that accompanies the come up of MXE, I swallowed a capsule with 20mg of 4-ACO-DMT and then snorted another 15 mg of MXE. Around this time, I asked Bryan if he would like to do some MDMA and stay up with me, knowing I had a long night ahead and didn't want to spend it alone. He agreed and snorted 70 mg of MDMA. After about 20 minutes or so, my cousin and his girlfriend came over and we rolled a couple joints and started watching new episodes of Key and Peele.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
While we were smoking the joints, the 4-aco made it's presence known in my peripheral vision. My Jimi Hendrix poster was VERY black and the album covers on it were breathing slightly. This effect increased over the next 30 minutes or so. During the first hour and a half or so, I was very quiet and was glued to my TV screen, analyzing each sketch second by second. Time distortion was present as well but not as intense as LSD is to me. After my cousin and his girlfriend left, I snorted another 15 mg of MXE and Bryan snorted 60 more mg of MDMA. IMMEDIATELY after snorting it, like as I was taking the straw away from my nose, I became virtually weightless. This feeling of weightlessness emanated from my core and grew more intense over the next 15 minutes. There was pretty much no burn and the taste wasn't particularly bad, it just clogged up my nose and sinuses something fierce so about 10 minutes after snorting it I got rid of the drip with some water and cleared out my nose. After that we got the bright idea to get some whippits. Bryan drove us to Xmart where I purchased 2 boxes of 24 cannisters. On the way home we stopped by a gas station to get drinks and food. Usually I don't like going in public whilst tripping, but I had absolutely no anxiety whatsoever, and was actually more sociable and engaging than if I was sober.
Usually I don't like going in public whilst tripping, but I had absolutely no anxiety whatsoever, and was actually more sociable and engaging than if I was sober.

After returning home, we put on some Aphex Twin and broke into the first box. The MediaMonkey visualizer was very interesting and sounds were greatly intensified. The volume on my TV never went above 15 which is incredibly quiet any other time. The OEV were reminiscent of mushrooms but a bit more colorful. The CEV were quite intense and at times were on par with the come up of smoked DMT, but not nearly as fast. Both of my cats were in my room for most of the trip and provided a much appreciated element of love and companionship throughout the night. Petting a cat on psychedelics is one of the most enjoyable tactile sensations possible to me. I could feel the vibrations of them purring in the depth of my heart and soul. Kitty love is pure bliss.

Inbetween hits of nitrous we talked all about life, the future, psychedelics, family, our own friendship, and a random assortment of other things. We really bonded and this is where the 4-aco really shined. Every topic we discussed I had the most crystal clear insight about it, and I was just radiating with positivity and peacefulness.
We really bonded and this is where the 4-aco really shined. Every topic we discussed I had the most crystal clear insight about it, and I was just radiating with positivity and peacefulness.
Anything negative that we talked about or was brought up, I was able to immediately discard my negative thoughts and replace them with postive, logical solutions or ideas. This applied to EVERY thought that was racing through my mind. 4-ACO-DMT shares a lot of similar qualities to psilocin, but it has this element of inner peace and understanding that I've only experienced on high doses of MDMA and 2C-B. After we ran out of whippits, we put on American Dad and watched that until we both started falling asleep around 9 AM.

All in all the experience lasted about 8 hours and I would most definitely repeat it. Thank you to those who read the whole thing! Hope my first report wasn't too boring! Many more to come if life and liberty permit.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104675
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Feb 9, 2018Views: 2,698
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4-AcO-DMT (387), Methoxetamine (527), Nitrous Oxide (40) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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