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Tripping All Week
Citation:   Destro. "Tripping All Week: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp104724)". Jun 11, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  oral Nutmeg (edible / food)
  T+ 1:50   smoked Tobacco  
  T+ 0:00   oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 6:00   oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
  T+ 34:00   oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
  T+ 42:30   smoked Tobacco  
  T+ 50:30   oral Pharmaceuticals  
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
This is a trip report from October 18-24. All my doses of nutmeg will be given in grams (none of that spoonful bullshit). Over the span of this time I took multiple doses and had different experiences. I am sharing this mostly because in all the research I did on nutmeg it is hated and just about everyone has something bad to say about it. I don't. All of my experiences were good and I believe it should be given a bit more credit than it is. I will note that nutmeg tastes really bad and is not for everyone, even I had some time of uncomfortability through the first few doses, but once I got over it it was great and I'm sure it will be for you as we'll.


It was fall break and I had some weed (about half a gram, so I got kinda desperate afterwards). Over the course of a couple days I finished it off. I remember at that point it was Thursday and not having anything to get high off of I began to explore other options. As the next few days past I found myself on YouTube and other websites reading up on different things around the house I could get high off of. The two that stood out the most were Robotussin DM and nutmeg. By this time it was Saturday. For the day I had nothing to do except cook some steaks for the family later and go roller skating. I went in the store and got two 22gram bottles of nutmeg and some Robotussin DM, purchased it, and walked back to the car. Later I would find that I had to be 18 to purchase the Robotussin and the clerk at the sales counter had thought I was 18.

Saturday October 18 (Day 1)

10:30am: I am alone in the house for the most part (my little sisters are their but they really have nothing to do with this). I go to the fridge and get out 2 containers if strawberry yogurt. I mix 22 grams of nutmeg with the yogurt and head to my room. I get a spoonful of the yogurt and eat it, and how disgusting it was. It tasted like... Nutmeg... And I seriously don't like that taste. I proceeds and finished a little over half the yogurt before I threw up a small amount. At this point I estimate that I have ingested about 10 grams. So I throw away the yogurt mix and hang out in my room.

11:00am: I feel stoned but it's different, I start having a weird taste in my mouth and realize that it's nutmeg. The taste stays their for awhile and as time moves along I feel the 'taste' in my stomach. I don't like it but choose to ignore it because their was no point in fighting it.

11:20am: I go out and smoke some pipe tobacco. After I get done I feel great. Kinda like being revived. I go inside and wash my face and go back to my room for a bit. Drink about half a bottle of DM and hang out listening to music.

Between the last paragraph and the next I hang out and prep my steaks for cooking. Nothing really interesting.

4:30pm: Unconvinced that the first dose was sufficient I go take the second nutmeg bottle. I eat all of it raw chasing it with water and powerade. On the last spoonful (bout half way full, not a lot) I throw up a small amount. At this point I estimate I have ingested roughly 18-20 grams if nutmeg. I sit their for what feels like eternity and stare at the wall. The wall paper was beginning to move to my right slowly and the tiles on the floor were shrinking and expanding. I loved it.

5:00pm: Feeling a bit like a nutmeg again I go out and cook the steaks. My little sisters try to pour water on my head as I do and I tell them to go inside.

5:30-6:00pm: the steaks are done, some well done and some medium rare. I though I had done a good job. Everyone is back at the house at this point and we start to eat. After finishing about half of my food I don't feel to good so I go up to my bed and lay down for about 30 minutes.

6:30pm: I am told that we are about to go skating if I want to go so I pull myself out of bed and prepare. I chew a piece of gum and drink plenty of water and start to feel better. Actually more then better. I feel alive and honestly just plan awesome.

From 7:00-9:00pm we go roller skating. It is great, I feel like I am flying. I still feel stoned and it is starting to really become evident. Over this time period the feeling increases more and more.

9:00pm: We get home and I drink more water. I tell everyone that I'm going to lay down for the night and if they need anything that I will be up for a while.

12:30pm: The peak hits. I feel amazing. Like someone had just renewed me. I feel higher than I have ever had before which surprises me because I've smoked some good kush. I begin to look at my room and that's when I start to hallucinate. The walls melt and bend, the blinds look as if they are moving up constantly, the wall talks to me and though I can't remember what about I do remember having a good conversation with it. This continues for a while and I decide to listen to some Binaural Beats. I choose the DMT Frequency.
I decide to listen to some Binaural Beats. I choose the DMT Frequency.
As I begin to become entranced I start to see words on the wall in another language, one that I can't read. The words morph and change constantly but maintain the same shape as they do. I fall asleep around 2.

Sunday October 19 (Day 2)

This day is pretty much unimportant as far as the morning and mid afternoon hours go.

6:00pm: I convince my grandmother who was taking me back to my house (like 3 hours away) to go by the store so I can get some nutmeg to take home for steaks. I run into Homeland and purchase a 33 gram container. 5.75$, damn... That's expensive compared to yesterday's (1.25$).

9:30pm: I'm back at my house, I have school tomorrow and no weed to be high for that so I decide to take the nutmeg. I'm in my room and my parents believe I am asleep. So I pour a glass of water and have like 3 water bottles to chase with. I pour all 33 grams of the nutmeg into the glass and stir to try to drink it. It kinda works, but not really. In all I estimate that I took around 25-30 grams.

For the rest of the night I am in agony. I feel like nutmeg tastes and I can't sleep... It sucked.

Monday October 20 (Day 3)

5:45am: I wake up for school feeling great. Only got two hours of sleep but that doesn't bother me. As I get up I feel kinda different. I realize that I'm in the peak. I get into the shower and it feels absolutely amazing. After getting out of the shower and drying my hair I get ready to head over to my uncles (I go over in the mornings for some tea and to see how he's doing). Before I leave I check the time.

6:00am: I leave my house. The shower I took felt like it was a hour long but it was barley 5 minutes. I smoke some pipe tobacco and get to my uncles.

6:30am: I leave for the bus and as I walk out the door I put my headphones in. I listen to one of my favorite songs and I am filled with pleasure and emotion.
I listen to one of my favorite songs and I am filled with pleasure and emotion.
As I walk down the street I find myself dancing and bending like a tree does in the wind. I get on the bus and I'm giddy. I laugh at everything i see and my friend says. He asks if I'm high and I say 'Dude, you have no idea'. I proceeded to tell him about the nutmeg and I told him about my break.

7:30am: I get to school and go to eat breakfast. The floors at my school are patterns of tile and as I look at them I TRIP. I stare at it and start to see it move and morph and pixelate. When I look up my friends are all looking at me and they ask if I'm ok. I tell them that I'm fine and I ask why the asked. They said that I was staring at the floor for 15 minutes straight with my mouth open mumbling words.

8:00am: I'm in history class, my first hour. I'm sitting at my desk watching it move when the teacher asks me a question. I tell her the answer trying my best to keep a straight face. As I start to look around the class room everyone's faces morph slightly. The teachers face does as we'll and it kinda freaks me out.

For most of the rest of the day it is like this, filled with excitement and curiosity.

2:00pm: I'm in math with one of my best friends. I told him that I had some pain pills and he asked if he could have some. I gave him 2 and I took 3. This is my last hour so I'm ready for anything that comes.

2:30pm: I get on the bus and begin to roll over in my seat laughing. I fade out and my friends all take pictures of me. (The next day I looked at them and my eyes were barely open and I looked passed out with my mouth open.

3:30pm: I get home and pass out.

The rest of the day I felt great and I went to bed without a problem.

Tuesday was normal. Nothing exciting.

Wednesday October 22 (Day 5)

8:30pm: I had gotten more nutmeg and did some more research on how to ingest it without tasting it. I came up with nothing so I decide to try something unusual. I get some Tabasco sauce from my uncle and prepare the dose of the nutmeg. I grab a bottle of cold water and I have a price if really strong mint gum and a spoon. I get into the 'shower' (I was talking nutmeg not a shower but my parents didn't know that) and lay everything out on the floor. I lock the door to insure that I will not be discovered. I take the cap off of my water and pour Tabasco into it until it's about half way full. I take a drink of water and leave a bit in my mouth, pour the Tabasco in with it and swish it until I feel the spice. After spitting it out I have no taste just a very very hot sensation in my mouth. I start to pour the nutmeg in and I chase it with water. My estimated dose was about 28 grams. After I finish all of it I put in the piece if gum with some water and start chewing. This got rid of any hotness left in my mouth.

9:00pm: I am out of the shower and I lay down for bed and get to sleep without a problem.

Thursday October 23 (Day 6)

Thursday was pretty much a repeat of Monday but a bit died down on the hallucinations. I still felt great and the method that I used the night before to eat the nutmeg kept me from having any pain (feeling like a nutmeg).

Friday October 24 (Day 7)

5:30am: I wake up and decide to take some nutmeg (not having taken any the night before). I get into the shower and using the same method I used on Wednesday night I ate one spoonful. My estimated dosage is 8-10 grams. I got into the shower and prepared for the day.

7:00pm: When I arrive at school I start to feel extremely distant. Like gone completely. My friend asks if I'm ok and I tell him that I still mentally feel like I'm at home, just passed out in the floor if my bathroom. He got all it'll confused and I explained how I had taken the nutmeg and because of it I feel like this. Soon after these feelings I start to find everything hilarious. I'm walking down the hallway giggling to myself for no particular reason. At around 9 this goes away.

1:30pm: I'm in Spanish class and as I sit the nutmeg starts to hit harder.
I start hallucinating and seeing things move. Nothing crazy.

4:00pm: I get back to my house and dig around in my room and find some weed. The nutmeg is still in its peak and I'm still tripping. I go out and cash the bowl of the weed and have a cigar that I rolled. As I get back inside I don't feel high, but instead I feel a slight weird feeling slipping over me. All of a sudden the weed hits and did it hit hard. I looked up and everything in my room was warped and bending. I was having hallucinations that were more like a typical dose of acid or shrooms (from what they've been discribed to me as doing). Things start to change color and I begin to laugh hysterically at the wall. It looks as if it has eyes and is jumping. This goes on for the rest of the day, but dies down in intensity overtime.

Saturday - Sunday following

The next few days I don't smoke any pot or ingest any nutmeg, but I still have lingering hallucinations. Their distinct but vague. Even now (as of the following Monday after all of this) when I smoke pot I have mild hallucinations.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104724
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jun 11, 2018Views: 2,488
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Nutmeg (41) : Various (28), Multi-Day Experience (13), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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