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Best in Show
4-ACO-DMT & Methoxetamine
Citation:   my3rdi. "Best in Show: An Experience with 4-ACO-DMT & Methoxetamine (exp104837)". Erowid.org. Oct 27, 2020. erowid.org/exp/104837

T+ 0:00
25 mg oral Methoxetamine  
  T+ 0:00 25 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT  
  T+ 1:35   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 2:35   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 3:35 2 mg oral Etizolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:03   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 4:33   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 5:00 2 mg oral Etizolam (pill / tablet)
I am a 30 year old male, 245lbs, and I am six feet, two inches tall. My mind set going into this experience is somewhat grim. I have been struggling with relationship qualms, as well as professional difficulties. Recently turning thirty has put me in a very existential state of paralysis in terms of defining where my life goes into terms of a more definitive direction. However, I will go into more detail with this mental aspect in the actual report.

I have extensive experience in the molecular realm of existential chemistry. My experiences includes the use of LSD, 4-HO-DMT (mushrooms), LSA, DXM, Cocaine, various pharmaceutical and designer amphetamines, 4-ACO-DMT, 5-MEO-MIPT, 5-MEO-AMT, DOC, Mescaline, DMT, DPT, MET, Allylescaline, MXE, 2C-B, 2C-I, 25I-NBOME, 25c-NBOME, Nitrous Oxide, MXE, Ketamine, various benzos, various natural herbs (valerian root, st john’s wort, kava, kratom, blue lotus, etc), Amantis Mushrooms, Ayauasaca, Prolintane, 6-APB, 5-APB, AL-LAD, LSZ, various opiates (hydrocodone, Vicodin, poppy tea, Opium), 5-MEO-DIPT, 4-HO-DET, Etizolam, alcohol, and many years of copious marijuana smoking.

I bring up the list of chemicals only to add perspective to where and what I prefer in terms of the existential molecular experience. Which for me is reaching a place where the dividing line between my waking life, and the subconscious meta-physical life walks a slippery slope. The dream that is far too real, and even in the extreme states of chemical enlightenment causes one to really question every moment in one's life. And to wonder what really was and wasn’t. What was only perceived versus what has really happened in my life.

These are the type of experiences I seek out, as only seeing some colors and laughing a bit can be enjoyable, but at the same time leaves me very unfulfilled
seeing some colors and laughing a bit can be enjoyable, but at the same time leaves me very unfulfilled
. I’ve found several substances that can provide this sort of surreal experience of stepping through the door to the other side. In particular, I find MXE to be a catalyst of this nature. On its own, it is an interesting substance, multi-faceted in how it affects the user. However, I think the real magic occurs when synergized with a tryptamine.

I would heed a warning that MXE needs to be experienced on its own at several different intervals before it is combined with any substance. For me, I have taken it at 12.5mg, 25mg, and 50mg. I also always take MXE orally. That sort of titration also applies in combining it with other substances. My first combination was 25mg MXE and 40mg DPT (I always insufflate DPT). And as I learned the hard way, it was an overshot in terms of expected results. My second experience was 25mg MXE and 50mg DPT, and to my surprise, the dose response curve is very exponential in terms of drug synergy. DPT and MXE mimics the feeling of being shot gunned into an alien world of uncanny proportions. Everything is alien, and foreign. And the voices of many souls mimic the colorful and profound visual realm that completely entangles the user. It’s a complete sensory experience that leaves me with a feeling of altered reality with all of my senses being twisted and turned in ways that can be overwhelming, terrifying, and euphoric in ways that are truly hard to put to proper words.

Enter 4-ACO-DMT. I find 4-ACO-DMT to be the mystical sacrament in terms of how it pulls me in and gently yet quickly engulfs me into the ultimate psychedelic experience. It’s loving without sacrificing honesty. Hurtful truths can be swallowed without agony. It’s stunningly powerful from a lite dose of 10mg to a heavy dose of 30mg. Visually, it is one of the more unique tyrptamines. Its visuals can be a cross between mushrooms and DMT. With patterning that feels and looks very ancient. Unlike DPT, where everything resigns with a very alien and foreign aesthetic. Which is why my mind landed on this combination. DPT and MXE is the type of mind fuck that one should only experience on the rarest of occasions. It’s the sort of eye shattering epiphany that can reshape one’s whole life. My assumption being the darkness of the MXE would be fully complicated by the love and grace of 4-ACO-DMT.

The Setting:
It’s a Wednesday afternoon. I have just come home from work. It’s been a stressful day. I figure an excursion into the psychedelic realm is just the mood shift that will vastly alter my perspective into the positive light I am seeking. Despite being winter, it’s still fall esque weather where I reside. The weather outside is gloomy, in the 30’s, overcast, and the surrounding nature is in the midst of the transition to winter. So there is a full spectrum of colors as the leaves are changing and drying up. I will be alone until my girlfriend returns home. I prefer this sort of setting, as a solo venture into the real estate of my third eye without any exterior distractions almost always provides the most beneficial results.

The Experience:

I consume 25mg MXE, and 25mg 4-ACO-DMT. My last meal was around noon. A lite lunch. I consume my sacraments, and get ready to take the dog for a long walk. My plan was to walk 2 miles total. There is a nice park with a lake about a mile from my house. I figured the exercise would be mutually beneficial for us, plus I enjoy coming up in an outside environment much more than being inside.
I enjoy coming up in an outside environment much more than being inside.

We’ve left the house. I already feel the 4-ACO-DMT. It always starts the same way for me. A feeling of euphoria mixed with feeling light headed. A slight warmth and tingle to my skin. A little extra pep is added to my step. I also always notice that the hue of everything is sharper on 4-ACO-DMT. I can see this effect happening, as I notice a spectrum of colors in all the leaves, and the contrast of brown, red, green, and dark tree trunks to the blue and grey sky. It has the sort of contrast I think is prevalent on a water color painting of a classically trained artist.

My home is tucked away on a side street, and is about a quarter mile from a small town square. The architecture of the square is very pretty, and somewhat archaic. As we walk up to it, I take particular notice to the aged look on a lot of the buildings. We have to wait a moment for the cross walk to sync up and give us the signal to cross.

Once past the town square, it’s an older neighborhood, with a plethora of older classical style homes, and modern homes built in a manner to seem older. The houses remind me of the age old conundrum of the exterior aligning with the interior, and it’s a reflection of my own issues. A projection that really only shines when one is on psychedelics. I don’t have an answer.

We are close to the lake, and the first signs of the MXE begin to become readily apparent. For me, MXE is also a prolonged come up, with the psychedelic effects occurring around an hour after ingestion, prior to that it feels like a cross of being on opiates, and/or alcohol. A warm stupor if you will.

This is different though. I immediately notice that I felt dissociation as if I had stepped through a portal. And that this new world was one that looked like a digitized cartoon. Every color had such definition. I immediately questioned what was real and what wasn’t real, but was it a manufactured reality that was unfolding before my eyes. What Truman show had I stumbled into?
MXE is truly unique in that it acts like a symbiotic organism with other substances, it takes the other substance and becomes it with its unique twists and contributions to it. I was seeing this. Much like with the DPT experiences. This metamorphosis was showcasing some very unique properties. My vision was as if an artist had painted over the landscape adding extra textures of shadows, color contrasts, and even in some cases, adding extra colors. There was also a sort of pixilation to the air. Every nuance of my sight had a very unique quality to it that was overtly defined.

We had started our “descent” back to the house. I was fully aware of the immersion into this show. I was also hearing characters tell me things left and right about myself. Almost like having the very stereotypical archetype of the TV good cop- bad cap dynamic. Questions on the validity of substance use at my age, in terms of frequency, in terms of going forward. The voices had accents, they had personality, and they were a subset of the reality. They couldn’t be shaken.

I am approaching the square. I hear what I could only describe as the feeling of sitting alone at a big restaurant, and hearing a symphony of conversations all at once. And if one pays enough attention to the mesh of voices, it’s poetic in many ways like a symphony with all of the textures and nuances. At the same time, I am not within listening distance of anyone I see in the square. Which I deduct points to the power of this experience. I split the fabric and found the voices of the other side. While walking back, the pixilation was increasing. I was having spiraling patterning on top of it. Everything had an intrinsic inner layer of design to it, with subsets of patterns within it. It would cause me to blink, and with my eyes briefly closed, my spectrum of sight was exploding into a symphony of overlapping patterns and designs. Moving in sync with the voices and noise of cars driving, people chatting on their walks, and the overall sounds of being in a suburban area. At the square, I have a great deal of trouble locating the cross walk sign after I have pushed the button on it. I’m completely aware that I am at a point where being out in public isn’t acceptable. And solitude would provide the much needed solace that I require at this point.

We have returned home. I hop in the shower, as the combination of chemical consumption and brisk walking has rendered me with a nice sweat. In the shower, the voices are going crazy, and with my eyes closed. It’s like blurbs of a propaganda film, just slices of sequences in no sequential order, firing off in the most rapid means possible. The imagery being crazy patterns interwoven with images of nature, people, and various objects. It’s very obvious that both substances are working together, as the imagery is neither dominated by the typical MXE or 4-aco-DMT visuals.

I finish my shower, get dressed, and I decide to feed the dog. I then sit on my couch and let the trip unfold further. Very quickly, it becomes apparent, I am just getting to the peak. Which sparks some concern, as I had no intention of making a full night of this. When I do choose to indulge on weeknight sessions, I try to always intake in the afternoon to be down to sleep by 10pm. It allows me a full night of rest, as well as, also maintains my ability to not have a hangover or be sleep deprived. On their own, 4-aco-dmt at 25mg is a 4-5 hour time frame, and 25mg MXE is 2-3 hours.

DPT plus MXE is a five hour affair for me. I usually take the MXE first, wait forty minutes, and then insufflate the DPT. The rapid onset of both kicks into high gear within 10 minutes of that. With the peak being around 70-90 minutes, and then 30 minutes of MXE only effects followed by what is always a super rapid come down to complete sobriety by the 5th hour mark. Which knowing this, played a part in my logic to try this combination. I assumed I would have similar results. I feel some anxiety from the thought of this being an eight to ten hour affair. So I grab a beer from my fridge in hopes of calming my nerves, and maybe getting some grounding from the overall intensity of the trip.

I’ve been listening to music, which I found very intense, so I tried switching to watching TV. I can only describe that as like a scene out of the movie Waking Life. TV is in 3-D, and every program is very hard to follow. I’ve had two beers. Alcohol normally lessens the psychedelic effects of most chemicals for me. I’m also aware from my many experiences with MXE, it serves to potentiate the effects. And my goal was to use the two beers to slow the trip down.

I feel even higher than I did prior to consuming the alcohol. My concern is heightened by the possibility that this is the sort of trip reserved for the weekend. I begin to also realize I am very hungry, but I am way too high to cook anything, drive anywhere, and I am lacking the patience to wait an hour for any sort of delivery.

I always keep landing gear as a contingency plan. Which, while I don’t consider this to be a bad trip, I do wish for a rapid decline in psychedelic effects, and to return to my regular self. I will admit, the voices had shaken my fabric of essence and my confidence very well. I was questioning a lot of things about myself and not coming up with good answers to those questions. I embrace this aspect of recreational chemistry as it is quite humbling. But at this point, I felt humbled enough.

With a glass of water, I swallow two 1mg Etizolam pills. I decide to wait 15 minutes to let them take effect. I pocket two more Etizolam pills just in case the first two don’t have the desired levels of effects.

I begin my walk back to the square. I somewhat feel the landing gear, but not enough. It’s readily apparent to me that I am still towing the duality of realities.

I take a seat at the bar of a restaurant. I order a beer to quench my thirst and to also potentate the landing gear.

I’ve eaten an entrée, dessert, and had a total of two beers there. Dinner was interesting. Conversation with the bartender was incredibly difficult. I was tripping throughout most of the meal. I had stopped tripping by dessert, but I was fully immersed in the inebriation of the trio of MXE, alcohol, and Etizolam. Which pretty much looks and sounds like someone that has been hitting the hard sauce for several hours. I’m aware I am slurring slightly.

I begin my walk home, and I’m very aware I am still quite intoxicated. My mind is awake, but the rest of my body is very tired. I take the longer way home as I want to try to walk some of this off, which I know, sounds foolish and never works. Which it didn’t. I arrive home just before 10pm. My girlfriend points out that I look like I have had a lot to drink. I shrug, and get ready for bed. I take the last two Etizolam. As I want to really knock myself out to recover from this sequence of crazy events.

Post Trip Commentary:
I would rank this combination as truly unique and vastly powerful. It’s not for the faint of heart. The headspace, visual space, physical aesthetic, and the spiritual aesthetic are all very profound. The dissociation in combination with the powerful nature of 4-ACO-DMT truly transported me to a new reality. In a lot of instances of my metaphysical travels, I am keenly aware that it is a product of chemical assistance. Like MXE + DPT, I would say this combination also leaves the user in a state where this is easily dismissed, and/or forgotten.

I’ve combined DMT, LSD, and Ketamine, and until very recently I had always argued that it was the most profound psychedelic experience of my travels. The hole that develops from that trio isn’t nearly as realistic as to what evolves with MXE plus trypatmine combinations. A MXE potentiated hole is an all-encompassing reality, that for the less experienced would require a trip sitter.

In terms of after effects, I found myself quite compartmentalized the last few days. With lots of the questions posed still left unanswered. I have arrived at the conclusion that this level of doubt is good for me. And has humbled me from what I thought was a 100% defined path that I was unrelenting in questioning or evaluating. Overall though, I would categorize myself as having an overall mood lift, and seeing a shift in a positive attitude and outlook on life.

I have noticed this produced some post trip tracers, as well as, some lapse in memory for remembering common vocabulary words. The memory of the trip itself is faint. Which I have found to be more common with MXE than any other substance.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104837
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Oct 27, 2020Views: 849
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4-AcO-DMT (387), Methoxetamine (527) : Combinations (3), Various (28)

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