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Great High Terrible Withdrawal
Citation:   MomeRath. "Great High Terrible Withdrawal: An Experience with Phenibut (exp104853)". Mar 2, 2019.

1-12 g oral Smarts - Phenibut
I just wanted to add to the many cautionary tales about phenibut.

I have a long history of drug use. There aren't many things I haven't tried over the past 15 years. Lately I basically have just been sticking to cannabis and beer, but over the last year I had a love/hate relationship with taking phenibut.

I started taking small doses once or twice a week for anxiety or to help sleep and within a couple months I was taking about 8-12 grams a day just to feel normal
within a couple months I was taking about 8-12 grams a day just to feel normal

It was really fun at first. It relieved my anxiety and made me a little drunk feeling and sleepy but once I started using more and more it became clear that it was going to be difficult to stop.

After a summer of heavy use I decided it needed to stop. I was worried about my kidneys and liver and it was costing me a lot of money. Also it was potentially making me dumb. I was just zonked out all the time. Ridiculous.

I had read all about the addictive potential and the withdrawal similar to benzodiazepines but as usual I thought I was different.

Anyway, I got one more shipment and was able to taper off slowly and successfully over the course of three weeks but it was not at all pleasant. I feel like I may still be having some rebound anxiety and sexual side effects even after a couple months.

It's a useful substance but limit dose and use! I know I'm not providing any new information here, but I wanted to add another voice to the many so that maybe people like me will heed the warnings. Watch out for this stuff if you decide to use it.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104853
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Mar 2, 2019Views: 2,506
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Unknown Context (20)

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