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Two Weeks With No Headache
Citation:   the man. "Two Weeks With No Headache: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp104866)". Sep 5, 2018.

1 Tbsp oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
Psilocybin and Cluster Headaches

Two years ago I started suffering from cluster headaches and at first, assumed I was suffering from really bad migraines. To ease the pain I would take NSAID’s (Aleve, Advil) for acute attacks and eventually was prescribed Sumatriptan. The Sumatriptan was designed for acute attacks yet the patient can only take 7 pills a month to not become tolerant. For me this is not enough.

I did a small amount of research about Cluster Headaches once I was diagnosed before coming across the experiences of others and their success with psilocybin mushrooms, LSA, LSD, and for acute attacks DMT. I decided to try mushrooms considering I was heading to a music festival soon. I was quite excited to see how the experiment would turn out.

After arriving to the festival a friend at my campsite had honey, which contained extracted psilocybin from mushroom. The honey has unknown potency. So I volunteered. I ate a tablespoon full of the honey and a nice but very mild trip ensued.

Since the experience with the psilocybin I have yet to experience a cluster headache. It has been two weeks with no headache bear in mind that I was having cluster headaches daily between clusters. Only time will tell how long the bliss will last.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104866
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Sep 5, 2018Views: 2,151
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Mushrooms (39) : First Times (2), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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