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Kief Brownie
Citation:   gxldenboy. "Kief Brownie: An Experience with Cannabis (exp104942)". Oct 14, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  T+ 4:24 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (flowers)
After reading up on several experiences of the effects gained from ingesting marijuana, I knew I had to try it out.

First, A quick introduction.

I am 19yrs old, around 6' - 6'1' tall, and weigh about 130. If you can't picture this, think of a tall lanky goofy lookin white dude. I assume I have an extremely fast metabolism because I can't gain weight to save my life. I started smoking weed and doing various drugs (nothing hard though, such as meth or coke) at the age of 14. My smoking days were few and far in between for the first couple years, but slowly my love for mj grew into a daily ritual. I stopped taking other drugs besides weed almost two years ago for health reasons.

I consider myself to be of slightly above average tolerance (smoking with my plug has raised my tolerance level significantly) and over the years, I've learned to better balance my mind when the green lady likes to kick things up a notch. Keep in mind that a personal bowl of dank to the dome still gets me high.

Anyways, on to the report..

I am now typing this report as I prepare for my experience. It is a cool beautiful November morning, and I'm in my room enjoying a glass of juice. I haven't eaten anything yet today and plan to just eat breakfast before I eat the brownie. There isn't much to prepare actually; the brownie is already made and ready for consumption. I recieved said brownie from my brother, who has recently been delving more deeply into the world of edibles than I am able to, and was nice enough to share some of his yields. For the sake of my lazy typing, I'll refer to my brother as B.

So B told me all about how he has baked with weed and how much he used etc. For the large, rectangular slab of brownie B gave me, he said that about one gram of kief had been added to the mix. I have no idea what the equivalent of his kief would be in bud amount so sorry for not having a good ratio. I do know that B gathers his own kief from buds he bought, and uses a kief box to collect it. I'll also note that his weed is some of the best I've ever smoked. B also mentioned that he didn't do any type of extraction for the recipe; he believed there to be no reason for it. He felt the effects fine just from mixing in kief
he didn't do any type of extraction for the recipe; he believed there to be no reason for it. He felt the effects fine just from mixing in kief
. His tolerance is beyond my own so I hope to experience first hand the full strength of eating edibles. He has tried extracting though for other recipes and says it works great too. I'm hoping to give them a go soon after this trip.

I am staying sober for today, I don't want smoking to mess up my edible high which I have felt has happened in the past. I should also mention this is around my 6th or 7th time trying edibles. The only noticeable effects from my previous attempts were a slightly increased euphoria and a general feel-good warmth enveloped my body. Mostly though they just made me extra tired, like I smoked a lot of kush. I end up falling asleep a few hours later and probably sleep off the rest of the high. Nothing to complain about at all, but also left much to be desired in my eyes. Every time I ate an edible, I also smoked soon after or was already high.

It's still morning and I want to wait as long as I can before eating the brownie (the anticipation is already getting to me).

Time: Same day, 4:00 p.m (about 5 hours later)
Location: my house
Mindset: Clear-headed, calm, and sober. I haven't smoked since last night when I acquired the brownie. I'm feeling generally happy for the upcoming trip, and a little bored because I haven't been doing much since this morning, just been waiting.

I had the urge to make some tea. And, I thought, what better time to start eating my brownie than 4:20 ? I decided on some green jasmine tea w/ goji berries. Just something pleasant to wash it down with. My stomach is relatively empty; I had a couple glasses of juice, an orange, and a granola bar for breakfast which was over a few hours ago. I have been, and will continue drinking water throughout the day after I drink the tea and eat the brownie. I will log my experience most likely in intervals, or just when I notice something.

4:20 p.m. - Tea is made, and the brownie is going down the hatch. Cheers.

+7min - First half of brownie consumed. Tastes very good with the slight hint of weed in the taste as well as aroma. The flavors of the tea only enhance it more so.

4:38 p.m. - Second half finished. That was a large brownie (not to mention pretty rich). Going to finish my tea while listening to some cloud rap.

5:03 p.m. - Feeling good. no negative side effects, or any at all for that matter. Maybe a slight placebo induced buzz after finishing the brownie and tea. Overall feeling relaxed and happy.

5:41 p.m. - Still not feeling the desired brownie effects. I'm not fretting since it's only been a little over an hour or so. Went and got the mail and I seem to be walking fine. It's chilly as hell out tonight though so even though it is beautiful out, I won't be going back out unless I decide to smoke later on or something.

6:23 p.m. - 2 hours in and nothing really to report of, good or otherwise. Feeling relatively normal still. Played guitar for a little bit to get my creativity flowing, hope that helps. In general, just a feel-good atmosphere but that's it.

7:27 p.m. - So still nothing to report...If I'm not even slightly high by 8:40. I'm smoking fuck it.

9:02 p.m. - At 8:44 or so, I went out back to smoke a bowl. I wasn't feeling any effects up until the bowl. I loaded my medium sized hitter with the rest of the high quality bud I had ground up yesterday. Girl scout cookies iirc. One bowl equated to 4 hits.

To sum things up, I'm now quite high. After I got inside and started watching anime, I completely forgot to log this lol. I don't know if I'm extra high because of the edible or not since it's been over 4 hours since I ate it. But for one bowl, I feel higher than normal. It has taken me quite some time to write this (its now 9:14). Well I guess experiment done because I'm blazed and don't know what else to say.

One gram of kief wasn't sufficient for a high for an average stoner. And it did seem to possibly increase the high from smoking.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104942
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 14, 2022Views: 375
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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