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Almost Indistinguishable From MDMA
5-MAPB, Propylhexedrine & Cannabis
Citation:   DavidSweatshirt. "Almost Indistinguishable From MDMA: An Experience with 5-MAPB, Propylhexedrine & Cannabis (exp104973)". Dec 24, 2015.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral 5-MAPB (capsule)
  T+ 0:00 250 mg oral Pharms - Propylhexedrine  
  T+ 1:00   smoked Cannabis  
If you don't care about my background just scroll down for the actual experience.

This was one of my more interesting experiences I've ever had. First a little background, I've tried MDMA, 4-ACO-DMT, 2CE, various synthetic weed blends, tramadol, hydrocodone,cocaine, shrooms, ethylphenidate, adderall, DOC, methylphenidate, many others that are likely slipping my mind right now and for a period I was addicted to DXM. My addiction transferred to Methoxetamine as soon as I tried it.

Prior to the experience I hadn't done MXE in 3 days, which I think changed the experience completely. Whenever I use 5-MAPB when I've used MXE too recently, like the day before, I react horribly. I'll have a slight rolling feeling from the 5-MAPB for a few minutes then immediately nausea and come down like feelings.
Whenever I use 5-MAPB when I've used MXE too recently, like the day before, I react horribly. I'll have a slight rolling feeling from the 5-MAPB for a few minutes then immediately nausea and come down like feelings.
I've learned not to use MXE for a little while, like at least 3 days, before even attempting an experience with 5-MAPB.

Also, an interesting thing I noticed with 5-MAPB is that the white powder is extremely stronger than the first brown batch I had.


This was with 50mg of the white 5-MAPB and a 250mg propylhexedrine cotton rod. My mindset was excited as I was expecting to roll and I hadn't done MDMA in nearly 4 years. My initial reasoning behind mixing the two was that at the time I thought this white batch would be just as weak as the brown, boy was I wrong.

So the mail came and I, with a couple friends we'll call them E and K, eagerly opened the package. We'd gotten a large order of MXE and they were just wanting to do that but I had received a little sample from our supplier of 5-MAPB so I loaded up an empty capsule of 50mg and swallowed it along with 3 caps of cotton soaked in propylhexedrine. I took it at 3pm.

It took a while before I realized I was really feeling much, at around the one hour mark they wanted to smoke weed. I was weary of doing so as my previous experience with MDMA led me to believe weed should be saved for the end otherwise the experience will be lessened. With 5-MAPB this seemed to be the opposite case, a little while after smoking some weed I felt like I was on a fairly strong MDMA pill. I felt incredible, wave after wave of intense, electric like euphoria coursed through me. At the beginning of the experience I couldn't stop talking about how good I felt. We were sitting around in one room and I got a bit uncomfortable so I suggested a walk. Their mom wanted them to drop something off at the library which was just up the street so we decided to go do that and then come back and take a walk in the forest with our dog. Once we got to the library my only thought was 'this IS MDMA, nothing could possibly feel like this that isn't really molly'.

Once we started our walk in the forest, an hour and half or around 2 hours after ingestion, is when things started to get kind of strange. I'm not sure if the 5-MAPB caused this or if it was the weed we were smoking but I started to have intense hallucinations.
an hour and half or around 2 hours after ingestion, is when things started to get kind of strange. I'm not sure if the 5-MAPB caused this or if it was the weed we were smoking but I started to have intense hallucinations.
These were organic cartoon like visuals, like what I'd expect to get from MDA. They were so realistic it was a bit difficult to differentiate them from real life. The most notable one happened on the way back from the walk when I looked at the ground and some flat trash turned into a bright red shoe like that worn by Ronald McDonald. As I kicked it and looked closer E and K were wondering what the hell I saw since I was basically kicking and staring at trash and dirt like it was something eye grabbing. I told them I was getting strong visuals.

Once we got back to the house, at this point I kinda lost track of time because I was so fucked up, we all went our separate ways and I was back in the original room by myself. At this point I was intensely aroused and proceeded to masturbate to porn for hours straight. My penis didn't really get hard but it got bigger, like a long flaccid erection with no bone. Sex would've been impossible. Even after cumming I just felt compelled to continue fapping to porn. It was very similar to stories I'd read of people doing meth and then masturbating for hours on end. I just couldn't stop, it felt so good.

Although during the uncontrollable masturbation I began having paranoid hallucinations including hearing someone knocking on the door and hearing the voices of E and K even though neither of them were present. Eventually E did actually come and interrupted me because someone was coming by to buy something so I had to stop. By this point, maybe 6 hours after ingestion, I was drenched in sweat from such vigorous masturbation and my pupils were saucers.

The rest of the night was uneventful, when my girlfriend got home from work she was interested to hear my experience. I told her, we smoked some more weed, and around 10 or 11 she fell asleep. I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep so once she went to bed I was up all night fapping to porn. I couldn't really sleep until well into the next day. I felt like shit the next day mostly because of lack of sleep.

In conclusion, this combination was very intense and pretty fun.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104973
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 24, 2015Views: 3,876
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5-MAPB (624) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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