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More Than Just the High
Citation:   Colorado Queen. "More Than Just the High: An Experience with Cannabis (exp105021)". Sep 24, 2019.

3 hits smoked Cannabis
Let me start by saying that I had researched marijuana for three years before I started smoking it, and I highly recommend being educated about anything before doing it. I had been interested in trying it since I found out that my older brother did, but had always been a reserved person and wouldn't know where to find it anyway. Fall of 2013, my family moved to Colorado, where I instantly became friends with the stoners.

The day before I smoked for the first time, I bought a small pipe from my younger brother, who was much more experienced than me. He told my step-dad that I bought the pipe from him and that I was interested in trying pot.

That day, my step-dad waited until my brother and mom left to go shopping. He took me into his room and told me he knew I wanted to try smoking.
That day, my step-dad waited until my brother and mom left to go shopping. He took me into his room and told me he knew I wanted to try smoking.
He told me that he wanted to smoke me out for my first time and that he would even give me a little of my own. His pipe was already loaded with grade A Sour Diesel. When I took my first hit, I didn't feel it straight away, like I thought I would, and I was coughing my lungs out from accidentally taking too big of a hit.

It hit me shortly after the second hit, and I just felt light. I was having severe emotional problems the week before, and now I was just feeling like none of it even mattered. I was at peace with myself for the first time in months. We took three hits each, then went back upstairs so my mom wouldn't be suspicious when she got home. I sat on the couch as they brought their stuff in. Without even thinking about it, I hopped up and walked into the kitchen--straight to the goodie cupboard, and grabbed a nutty bar and a pack of hohos.

Both my step-dad and brother were looking at me, grinning. I went back to the couch and opened my nutty bars. After taking the first bite, I suddenly found it hilarious that they were both staring at me and that I was doing the stereotypical stoner thing. I burst out in silent laughter, barely keeping myself from choking on or spitting out my nutty bar. My mom was about to come back into the living room so I had to go back downstairs to avoid being caught.

By now I was just vibing and enjoying my junk food. I decided to get on my laptop and listen to some music. A little while later I had started on my hohos, and the song 'Skin' by Rihanna came on. I was vibing so hard with the music and I could feel the vibrations from the headphones in my collar bone. I finished the hoho as the song ended, and about halfway through the next song I thought 'music tastes better with hohos'. When I realized what I had thought I burst out laughing.

The rest of my experience was good, though not as memorable as the first part of it. I am truly glad that I decided to start smoking. It has helped me a lot with bipolar, anorexia, and my overall intolerance for other human beings.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105021
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Sep 24, 2019Views: 894
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Cannabis (1) : Families (41), Personal Preparation (45), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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