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Into a Bubble Universe of Music and Euphoria
Allylescaline & Methoxetamine
Citation:   lunargirl. "Into a Bubble Universe of Music and Euphoria: An Experience with Allylescaline & Methoxetamine (exp105055)". May 7, 2015.

T+ 0:00
23 mg oral Allylescaline (capsule)
  T+ 0:10 7 mg insufflated Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:38 25 mg oral Methoxetamine (capsule)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Previous Experience:

While I'm relatively new to the usage of research chemicals, I have previously used 4-aco-dmt, 4-aco-met, MXE, allylescaline HCl and ethylphenidate in varying doses. I've used MXE fairly extensively prior to this experience, and had tested allylescaline HCl once prior to this experience (with 15mg orally in a gelatin capsule).


Had not eaten since the day prior to this experience to increase the effects of the substances, however I was well hydrated and felt very comfortable (no hunger pangs, exhaustion, etc.) as I regularly fast before consumption.

I had read up on this combination prior to the experience to confirm that the risks associated with it were very low at the doses I was using. Was hoping to use this combination for a great time at a 9 hour local concert. My mindset was very positive, was looking forward to see new local artists perform. While some essential notes on my experience (time of doses, time of various high points) were taken during the experience, the vast majority of these notes are being written after the fact roughly two weeks later.

Drug Identification:

Both substances were obtained from trusted vendors, effects matched those of previous experiences with them, very certain they were properly labelled / identified.

I weighed my doses using a scale accurate to 0.001 g, with an estimated variance of +/- 5mg.

Now for the actual report:

2:20 pm - Consumed 1 gelatin capsule containing 23mg (+/- 5mg) of allylescaline HCl. Feeling good about the day ahead of me.

2:30 pm - Weigh out 4 gelatin capsules each containing 25mg (+/- 5mg) MXE. A residue of 7mg MXE is leftover on the weigh boat, decide to insufflate this. Pack up my capsules and other belongings and meet up with my friend/spotter A, who is staying sober for the concert.

~ 2:40 pm (Timing uncertain) - Begin to feel mild body high / euphoria from MXE, nothing major.

2:50 pm - Consume about half of a small milkshake and some spicy french fries to help ease hunger, this leads to mild stomach discomfort the next 15 - 20 minutes or so. Board the bus to the concert around 2:55 pm.

4:38 pm - First start to feel the effects of the allylescaline HCl, no real visuals but mild OEV’s observed, feeling very happy in general, pleasant body high setting in. Off the bus and am now walking the last 20 minutes to the site of the concert, walking is pleasant, no nausea / tremors / other unpleasant physical effects noted. Feeling a definite ++.

4:58 pm - Have arrived at concert, consume one of the 25mg gelatin capsules of MXE and give another to two friends (B and C). Body high from allylescaline HCl still very pleasant, music sounds more interesting than usual and the venue seems unusually welcoming / friendly. Experienced mild paranoia over transporting gelatin capsules to the venue, but outside of that still having a very positive experience.

5:37 pm - Dissociation from the MXE begins to really kick in, feeling a definite +++. The experience is difficult to put into words, felt very dissociated / “not me” due to the MXE, but still felt very aware of myself with a unique euphoria associated with “being me”.

While inside the part of the venue in which the artists were performing, I found it very easy to close my eyes and fade into a weird sort of oblivion in which nothing existed except for the music. Tactile sensations such as my feet on the ground and my clothes pressing against my skin were practically nonexistent in this state, heightening the feeling that I was fading into a unique bubble universe in which nothing existed but the music and my curiously euphoric persona / mind. The presence of this euphoric persona type state was unique relative to a normal MXE experience for me at this dose, and I believe it was the result of the addition of the allylscaline HCl. My two friends who were only on MXE at this time reported a similar ability to disconnect from their surroundings, but did not report nearly as strong a euphoria and appeared to be less motion-inclined than me (dancing and moving to the music felt unusually good).

Conversation felt easier than usual to engage in, even with my dissociation. Talked to one of the friends (C) I had given MXE to while smoking, and had an enjoyable conversation.

Mild OEV’s were present at this stage in addition to mild to moderate CEV’s. The CEV’s I experienced seemed tied to the sounds I heard around me to some degree, although the pairing was not complete.

Note: After this time, I ceased to take notes on my experience, leaving the rest of it up to memory.

~ 9:30-10:00 pm - The presence of the MXE has started to fade, bringing me back down to a ++. Around this time I decide to consume a chicken sandwich and some chips. I also drank a small glass or two of water (I have been continuously drinking small glasses of water throughout the night, on average every 30 minutes).

No nausea was noticed at this time or after this event, although chewing and swallowing felt a bit strange and tastes seemed reduced and “off” in a way which is hard to describe. Had difficulty distinguishing between flavors of different foods, but textures were still distinguishable for the most part.

Can still somewhat enter the “closed-eye bubble universe”, but it is less effective than before.

11:00 pm - The effects of the MXE feel almost completely gone, allylescaline HCl is also feeling mildly reduced in intensity. At a +/++. Music still sounds nice, but am no longer able to enter the closed eye bubble universe. Body high still present, along with allylescaline HCl induced euphoria / smiley-ness.

12:00 pm - Concert ends, get a ride back to bus stop from a friend. Still feeling allylescaline to a mild degree, at a +.

1:30 - 2:00 pm - Return to baseline, mild aches and pains from the hours of dancing and standing and walking, but no other unpleasantness noted. Engage friend/spotter A in conversation for a while before going to bed.

Next day - Mild aches and pains still very present, but otherwise feel fine.


Overall I had a very enjoyable experience, although I definitely had occasional bouts of paranoia (this is normal for me on any substance) and the aches and pains afterwards were a bit annoying. I would highly recommend this combination to anyone interested in having a rather unique experience and may repeat it again someday given the opportunity.

Fasting before dosing definitely helped to heighten the impact of the experience on me, however in the future I should probably avoid eating spicy foods or eating at all within the first hour of dosing.

While I did not receive any incredibly significant lasting insights from this experience, it did help me develop my friendship with C and has made me curious about other potential combinations with MXE.

This was definitely one of my stronger psychedelic experiences, with comparable ones being ~35mg of 4-aco-met and ~100mg of MXE. It was weaker than a later experience I had on ~40-45mg of 4-aco-met.

Thanks for reading!
- lunargirl

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105055
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 7, 2015Views: 3,806
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Allylescaline (573), Methoxetamine (527) : Combinations (3), Club / Bar (25)

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