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Drunk From Pills
Alprazolam (Xanax)
Citation:   Blazed. "Drunk From Pills: An Experience with Alprazolam (Xanax) (exp10513)". Feb 10, 2004.

1.5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
I took 3 pills marked with ‘MYLAN A3’ (.5 mg Alprazolam each) following with a sip of wine. No longer than 10 minutes after taking the pills, I began feeling a slight weakening at the knees. After that, I went outside and smoked a cigarette. I came back inside and went online. Didn’t really notice a thing after about 30 minutes. I got up from my seat and walked around… it feels like I’m drunk while trying to walk… can’t walk in a straight line. I am feeling pretty good though. (It should be noted that I’m typing this report while under the influence of the drug.)

I feel like walking outside to smoke another cigarette… yeah. I tried to get up, but everything seemed to register in my mind in slow motion. Not so much as the typing, nor the TV. More like the vision of the entire room. My hearing is not affected at all. Everything that I’m hearing on the TV is sinking in fairly well.

Gone to smoke one anyway.

Surprising, the cigarette didn’t taste as good as it normally does.

On the way back to the comp, I grabbed an ice cream cone because I felt a little hungry and didn’t really feel like making myself a sandwich.

I also realized that typing has become more difficult, both in the speed of typing as well as in spelling and grammar. I’ve been frequently going back to correct the things that I have typed so far to make this report make any sense and not to make myself sound like an idiot.

When I sat down to snack, I noticed that the clock on the cable box jumped ahead in time. It’s like I lost at least 30 minutes of my life. What the hell happened? What was I doing for so long? Fuck. At least the ice cream tastes good.

The Jerry Springer show is on. I don’t really feel like watching it, yet I can’t force myself up to change the channel. Next time I’ll have the remote close at hand.

Now I just feel like laying down. I feel like I’m about to pass out.

Had some M&Ms and they were good. I couldn’t stop eating them.

All the worries I had about my low SAT scores and all the other shit that’s going on in my life… I couldn’t give a damn about those things at this point. I’m feeling way too good.

And it looks like I’ve been only capable of jotting down basic experiences, totally incapable of forming a continuous thought in a form of a paragraph. So I think it’s about time to check out.

Gone off to bed. Sleep seems like something that would feel so good right about now.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10513
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 10, 2004Views: 42,515
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Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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