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Caused Blurred Vision
Diphenydramine, Kava & Rispseridone
Citation:   Tarper. "Caused Blurred Vision: An Experience with Diphenydramine, Kava & Rispseridone (exp105131)". May 9, 2016.

400 mg oral Diphenhydramine
  1326 mg oral Kava
  3 mg oral Pharms - Risperidone
      Tobacco - Cigarettes
First a bit of background. I'm an experienced drug user, having tried everything from alcohol and cannabis to LSD, mushrooms and methamphetamine, but I've been sober for the last 4 months other than a two day relapse on alcohol and nitrous oxide.

I am currently sharing a room, and was having trouble sleeping with noises like snoring, doors closing and loud footsteps. I've used diphenhydramine and kava kava before separately to help sleep, and this time decided to try them together. The first night I used 250 the diphenhydramine with 3 mg risperidone, as the drug store I went to didn't have kava kava and I had to order it online. This had the expected effects of a slightly stumbling drunken feeling along with a tiredness that helped me sleep like a log once I was done experiencing the effects.

The next night I took a total of 400 mg of diphenhydramine spread out over about two hours with 1326 mg of kava kava standardized to have a total of 225 mg of kavalactones with 3 mg of risperidone. This time I felt the expected effects, but stronger than before, and borderline uncomfortable given I had trouble walking and stubbed my toes even when supporting myself on things to walk. It was difficult to smoke a cigarette because I was afraid I'd drop it while nodding out. It felt like I had been driving all day without rest and was having difficulty concentrating due to fatigue.

I got the unfortunate side effect of losing my ability to focus my eyes properly, and had trouble reading small text and trying to rebuild an atomizer coil for a vaporizer. I've had a similar blurring of my vision once from Abilify about two months before the experience with kava kava and diphenhydramine.
I've had a similar blurring of my vision once from Abilify about two months before the experience with kava kava and diphenhydramine.
This really bothered me, I've historically had good vision. The problems from Abilify took weeks to manifest and were bad enough for me to use reading glasses, which were useful when I got the same effect from kava kava and diphenhydramine.

This seems like a useful combination for sleep which is also pleasant to relax in while awake, but I don't think I'll take as high of a dosage in the future. 400 mg of diphenhydramine with 225 mg kavalactones = 1326 mg kava kava was just too much. I plan on continuing this combination at lower doses. I am currently taking 200 mg diphenhydramine and 225 mg kavalactones. I don't think it's kicked in yet, I hope this experience will be less overpowering than with 400 mg of diphenhydramine but will still produce relaxing effects.

All in all this seems like a good method to relax and go to sleep, but I'd prefer to have phenibut as it has a longer half life and can have a stronger effect without the drawbacks of blurred vision and the feeling of nodding off, though it is still good to help promote sleep and rest.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105131
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 9, 2016Views: 2,614
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Diphenhydramine (109), Kava (30), Pharms - Aripiprazole (422) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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