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Mistakes Pay a Heavy Price
2C-B & Alcohol
Citation:   shwobo. "Mistakes Pay a Heavy Price: An Experience with 2C-B & Alcohol (exp105132)". Sep 24, 2022.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  1 line insufflated 2C-B
[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]
It's been half a year since this terrifying experience I had in the summer. I keep thinking about it everyday and feel like I have to get it out somehow, so why not write a report?

This is probably the most traumatic thing I've ever experienced in my entire life, I have had dreams and nasty flashbacks about it ever since. I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy. It's also the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life.

First of all this was not my first time taking 2C-B. The first time I had a pretty bad trip, but I don't want to go into detail about that one. The funny thing is I actually went and bought more of the stuff after my first bad trip with it and had plenty of good trips after that, until that party came up.

I just got home from vacation in Greece and was going to a party at a friend of mine's. The day passed and I had a couple of beers at home before I went there just to make sure things weren't too awkward. I got over there and started drinking more. Probably around 4-5 more beers.

There was this guy there who knew that I were using substances and asked me if I had some 2C-B because he said he wanted to trip. Now of course who the hell wants to trip in a party setting when they've never used psychedelics likes that before. He had tried it once and he just insufflated 15 mg of the stuff so he didn't experience it completely. I promptly denied his request as I knew that would be a stupid idea.

The evening grew late and nothing really happened at the party so I grew kinda bored. I revisited the idea of tripping and somehow I changed my mind into actually doing it. I am practically neighbour with the guy who was hosting the party so I went home and grabbed a bag of 2C-B. It's hard to say how much it contained but I think it was around 90-100 mg in that one bag. I returned to the party and found the guy who wanted to do it and we found a bathroom where we spread out the stuff and prepared to snort it. Yes, fucking snort it. In a party setting. Boy was I getting punished for doing that.

The purity of this stuff was pretty fucking low too considering the trips I had prior to this felt muddy and dirty as hell. Anyway we spread out the line of about the size of a normal cocaine line and rolled up a money bill. I was going first. I still remember myself saying 'we're gonna trip so fuckin hard, haha!'. I snorted the line and the burning sensation came and boy did it hurt. He went right afterwards and I just leaned against the wall trying to deal with the pain and the red eye I got.

He snorted the line and cried like a little bitch but before I knew it my thinking capabilities were completely disabled. I literally couldn't form a fucking sentence except from 'this is strong stuff'. Then proceeded the continous and repetitive sounds of both of us having the snuffles and spitting into the toilet because of the drip in the throat. Jesus it tasted like hell.

Then the walls began to move, and holy shit the amount of anxiety I felt. I felt like the world was ending and we were all going to hell. I felt it hitting me hard and fast in my stomach and I couldn't stand being in that bathroom anymore. It was too small and confined. I had to get out. I had totally forgotten about the party. I ran upstairs pretty much in a confused state and didn't know what the fuck is going on. The rest of the night at that party just were about me running around like a maniac in a psychotic state. Eventually my buddy helped me get home, but the nightmare was just about to begin.

I got home and ran to my room but for some reason I just ran back downstairs and my fucking parents come into the hallway asking what was going on. I couldn't communicate with anyone and I felt nobody could help me so I desperately sought help from any human being in the area by hugging them. I remember I kept saying 'sorry' all the time for no reason at all. I said to them all the time 'don't call the police'. 10 seconds passed and I said the same thing. I got extremely paranoid and nobody could calm me down.

I started taking my clothes off for a reason I don't remember. I was so lost in this psychedelic world of hell I just wanted to get away.
I started taking my clothes off for a reason I don't remember. I was so lost in this psychedelic world of hell I just wanted to get away.
Eventually as I kept coming up I ran out of the house completely naked like a fucking madman and I remember the police showing up asking me if I knew where I was but I couldn't communicate so they had to put me in a hammerlock position but I struggled so hard it was almost impossible for them to keep me still (so they told me the next day). I remember laying in the ambulance car or some shit and after that everything went black.

Right before I blacked out I literally thought I was dreaming. We all do retarded things when we dream, right? I was told they had to use 4-5 policemen to hold me down because I was fucking insane. I still have scars on my wrists from the handcuffs. I have never felt so emotionally vulnerable in my whole life.

The memories of this night still haunts my thoughts and I am not proud of it at all. I just hope that writing this report will help me cope with it. And yeah about the other guy who did it. He did a significantly smaller amount than me but he just sat around being completely mindfucked. I still don't understand why I got that panick attack though.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105132
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 24, 2022Views: 539
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2C-B (52), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Police / Customs (60) : Combinations (3), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5), Large Party (54)

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