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The Relief of Not Being Dopesick
Kratom (extract) after Heroin
by M.S.
Citation:   M.S.. "The Relief of Not Being Dopesick: An Experience with Kratom (extract) after Heroin (exp105353)". Oct 21, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  IV Heroin (daily)
  T+ 48:00 1 g oral Kratom (extract)
Relief From Opiate Withdrawal

Some background. I have struggled with heroin addiction since the age of 27. My habits were never extreme due to financial constraints however.

Relevant to this experience, I was coming off a month long binge of injecting roughly one point (.5 in morning, .5 in evening) on average, more as my cash allowed. So as you can see my habit was relatively minor, although this dope was very potent.

Nonetheless, when I decided enough was enough, the withdrawals were there. Relatively minor withdrawals to be sure, main symptoms were chills (this is the symptom that I hate the most), insomnia, sweating, lethargy, diareah , restless legs and arms when attempting to sleep, lack of motivation/interest in usual pursuits, depression, and of course cravings.

Now, before I had started using the H, I had been doing oxys. During that time I was extremely disciplined in my dosing schedule as to avoid addiction and it worked, but that culminated in my dealer ripping me off and never returning. This really fucked with my mental state and the opiate craving led me to finding the connect for the H.

BUT, in the time between that I had ordered some Kratom extract (an extract fairly expensive and supposed to be fairly strong as Kratom goes). Naturally, in the midst of a heroin binge I totally disregarded the Kratom and had it sitting in my room for the duration of the binge.

When I finally jumped off, I went for roughly 48 hours of withdrawal before the depression started kicking my ass. Then I remembered I had the Kratom. A four gram bag of it.

I eyeballed roughly one fourth of the powder ( probably a bit under as I had never used Kratom and was unsure how it would affect me). Spooned it in my mouth and washed it down with some water. To my delight and astonishment, about fifteen minutes later my depression had lifted, chills gone, everything gone.

I was amazed. It even gave me what I would call a high, though perhaps it was just the relief of not being dopesick. I rode that for the rest of the day, that night I still didnt sleep properly however. The next morning I dosed the same, and also at night the same. Finally I slept. Took the final dose the following morning. There was still some symptoms afterwards, but very manageable. The Kratom was a lifesaver for me.

For small to moderate habits I think this stuff is a miracle.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105353
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Oct 21, 2018Views: 1,580
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Kratom (203) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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