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A Boost in Confidence and Productivity
Piracetam, Aniracetam & 5-HTP
Citation:   Mezcalito. "A Boost in Confidence and Productivity: An Experience with Piracetam, Aniracetam & 5-HTP (exp105441)". Dec 25, 2020.

2 - 3 g oral Piracetam  
  1 g oral Aniracetam  
  400 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP (daily)
    oral Lecithin (daily)
I have had problems with depression and anxiety on and off since as long as I can remember, but only really realized I had problems at about the age of 17. I've experimented with many drugs to try and 'fix' myself or forget about my problems. Psychedelic drugs have help me become more self-aware, but I was soon to realize they were just a tool, not the cure, they even led me to more anxiety problems after abusing them.

Last year, I heard about smart drugs, and they sparked my interest a lot. I think the first one I heard about was one promoted by Joe Rogan on his podcast, I didn't think much of it at the time, but later on, I looked into them more. I ended up ordering two, they both worked, and I definitely noticed a difference. At the time I was slightly into a video game called League of Legends, I enjoyed playing, but I would get bored after 1-2 games. I noticed by the 3rd day on one of these smart drugs, I could play 4 games in a row and not be bored. But my supply wore out and I had no money to get more, so I took a break from smart drugs until now.

I got some money recently, and was going to buy some the same thing as before, I was at the checkout page, just about to order, and then thought to myself “Wait, this is kind of expensive, I wonder if there is something cheaper?” And that thought led me to Piracetam. I did some research on it, It looked like exactly what I wanted. No side effects, nearly everyone reports positive effects quickly, I wanted to try this stuff. I was surprised to find a 500G supply was only $40, so I also ordered 100G of Aniracetam with it, I might as well try both together.

It finally came, I was very excited. I immediately dosed about 2-3G of Piracetam, and about 1G of Aniracetam on an empty stomach. 10 minutes later, I felt a lift in motivation, my room was a mess, and it had to be cleaned. I cleaned up my room, started doing laundry, and some dishes. After an hour of cleaning, I decided to play a round of my favourite video game, I played arguably one of the best games I have ever played. I was talking with my brother and his friend later on, and I noticed I was speaking much more fluidly, the words flowed straight out of my mouth, and I knew exactly what to say.

Over the next few days, I kept doing around the same doses, twice a day. I worked out on the second day, and it was the best workout I’ve ever had. I was much more motivated, my pump and form was the best it’s ever been, and I felt great afterwards. I also noticed while I was typing in song names on YouTube on my iPad to work out to, I was typing them in so fast and quick without any mistakes, I was pretty amazed.

Another thing I’ve noticed is more vivid dreams, which is enjoyable, as I want to learn to lucid dream. I haven’t noticed any boost in memory though, I’ve heard that can take about a week, and it’s only my 4th day since I’ve started
it’s only my 4th day since I’ve started
. I’ve also noticed a reduction in anxiety, which can be a problem for me at times.

I’d also like to mention I’m taking this with choline in the form of Lecithin and 5-HTP at 200mg twice a day.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105441
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 25, 2020Views: 1,245
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Piracetam (95), Aniracetam (286) : First Times (2), Performance Enhancement (50), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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