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The Binary Ketamine
Citation:   Surreal Computers. "The Binary Ketamine: An Experience with Ketamine (exp10553)". Nov 13, 2001.

200 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
This was my first time doing K. My trip sitter told me to insufflate 2 lines (100mg each) quickly, then lay down. I did that. He put on some trance records, and I found the effects coming on within a few minutes. I lay down and closed my eyes, hoping that I'd be prepared for my first k/k-hole experience. The visuals began to set on, and the body high quickly switched from drunk to dissociative. I don't remember anything from that point, until I was deep into the k-hole.

Some background information on me, I'm a computer science major, and consider myself heavily into computers and the basic underlying method of logic, reason and programming structure. I had no idea this would affect my k-hole.

I found myself sitting on top of a processor (a large microchip), and the processor was sitting atop a river of binary code (i.e. 110011000011001010010101), just 1's and 0's that make up the computer. Around me were thousands and thousands of wires, all very psychedelic looking, and constantly shape-changing. I opened my eyes and tried to focus, i could not. Everything was shattered into hundreds of pieces, outlining a sort of tunnel vision. I tried to talk to my trip sitter, but my speech was heavily slurred. I asked 'am i dead?' he said 'no.' So i closed my eyes again and entered my world. I was still floating through the binary river, this time faster, and then i shot out of the tunnel. I was now riding atop a spiral wave, going downwards, I felt like a cowboy riding a bull. I opened my eyes again and asked my sitter 'where am i?' he said 'your house.' I really had no clue that I was in my apt, as I did not recognize anything at all.

Some thoughts that entered my head were 'how will I finish college like this?' 'my parents won't like this one bit.' But it really didn't scare me, as I felt such a completeness and one-ness with all spiritual things around me. It was truly beautiful. I laid back down and just observed the world around me (with my eyes open) and I realized I was not actually in my body. I was sort of floating over it, and I could still move my limbs, but I could not feel them moving, just watch them. I played around with that for a while, and then went back into my k-hole (closed my eyes.) The vision was sort of fading, so I opened up my eyes again and tried to stand up. That was a bad idea, because I just fell back down. My trip sitter told me to stay sitting and that I was emerging from my k-hole. He told me the jarring into reality was kinda tough, and brought me something to throw-up in. Nice guy. So I did just that, threw up, and then lay back down and emerged from my k-hole. Coming out, i felt an intense drunkness, and just lay there thinking about it all.

I had a wonderful experience, and did not fear any of it, even the parts where I thought I had died, I still liked. It was funny, because the entire time I thought I had not taken any drug whatsoever.

I find K to be a very beautiful substance.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10553
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 13, 2001Views: 18,133
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Ketamine (31) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Guides / Sitters (39), First Times (2)

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