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Worsened Anxiety
Citation:   Orphee5. "Worsened Anxiety: An Experience with Citalopram (exp105695)". Feb 18, 2020.

10 mg oral Pharms - Citalopram (pill / tablet)
I had been having anxiety/insomnia for the past few months and it had been ultimately driving me insane.

I am fine with moderate drug use, but due to family addiction I tend not to partake. Because of this, I was reluctant to start myself on anti-anxiety medication. However, after my doctor diagnosed me with anxiety and depression, she also convinced me to start on citalopram. She said take a half a pill a day for a week.

So...I did. Almost immediately after I started thinking irrationally, sweating, and working end-of-the-world type scenarios through my mind. I then had one of the biggest panic attacks of my life. I had to have my boyfriend come pick me up. This lasted well into the next day- with bouts of insomnia, hyperventilation, crazy mood swings, and working myself to nearly throwing up. By the afternoon I was a little calmer, and I slept through that night fine.

The next day I did not take the dose at the regular time, as I was at my boyfriend's and had left my medicine at my house. I was fine most of the day, at my usual level of anxiety. Later that evening I had a spiraling thought and my anxiety was a little worsened. My boyfriend took me back to my place, I took my medicine and shortly afterward went to bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night panicked, but went back to sleep. The next morning I was still anxious, but manageably so. I took my dose at the time I had normally (10am) and left my boyfriend's house.

I biked into town on the way to my office and felt really weird. Sweaty, dizzy, and panicked. I went to get lunch at one of my favorite places, but there were way too many people and I felt like I was going to be sick. I went to the coffee shop across the way and got some food, but couldn't stay long because I had to meet with a student.

When I got to my office I was in full blown weirdo mode. I could not sit still, everything seemed off, the walls were moving. Had another panic attack and had to call my boyfriend (poor guy). Met with the student, went home and rocked myself on my bed for a few hours. I was thinking irrationally/suicidally, soooo...Made my boyfriend sleep over that night even though he had put up with my hell for the whole weekend. Tremors and shaking all night, called off class the next day.

Never taking that shit again. I will stick with moderate anxiety during the day and zzquil at night.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105695
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Feb 18, 2020Views: 1,348
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Pharms - Citalopram (227) : Difficult Experiences (5), Medical Use (47), Various (28)

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