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Motivation Focus and Calmness
Modafinil & Alprazolam
Citation:   Manny. "Motivation Focus and Calmness: An Experience with Modafinil & Alprazolam (exp105717)". Oct 6, 2019.

400 mg oral Armodafinil
  1 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam
I've recently been on a nootropic obsession which led me to a number of different chemicals and natural substances. The main one which stood out was Modafinil. I served in the USMC from 2005-2011 and Modafinil was readily given to deployed troops. They were known as 'go pills'.

I enjoy the effects of Modafinil but I suffer from a very, very mild social anxiety that is somewhat increased by doses of 200mg or more of Modafinil.
I suffer from a very, very mild social anxiety that is somewhat increased by doses of 200mg or more of Modafinil.
To counteract this I decided to add Alprazolam to my stack. This trip report will cover the effects of Modafinil and Alprazolam over the course of a few hours.

0:00. Ingested 400mg of Modafinil and 1mg of Alprazolam via oral doses. I generally dose 200mg but since I just received both substances in the mail and it's Friday afternoon I decide to double my usual dose.

0:15. Start to notice a very, very mild relaxation and tiredness.

0:30. Relaxation and tiredness markedly increased. Easily conversing with my wife and mother in law about how my day was at work.

0:45. Tiredness subsides and is replaced with an energetic feeling. Relaxation continues and at this point I decide to go for an afternoon jog.

1:15. Complete a 30 minute run around the neighborhood. Normally I ignore people outside while jogging, but during this run I was able to smile and wave at everyone I came into contact with. Although 30 minutes is not taxing on my body I feel the Modafinil definitely helped enhance my performance while jogging.

1:45. Still have a focused, clean feeling energy. No jitters or anxiety. I decided to watch a television show.

2:45. Effects are still going strong. It feels the alprazolam is on the decline. No anxiety as I am at home with the family, but a slight irritability has replaced my relaxed feeling. An example of my irritability would be the wife yelling from upstairs for me to come look at something and me being annoyed while trudging up the stairs when generally I would go up all smiles.

3:45. Still feeling the Modafinil but the Alprazolam seems to have run its course. If I was in a more social setting I would consider re-dosing another 1mg of Alprazolam but at home with my family none is needed.

4:45. Feeling like the Modafinil is starting to decline. At this point I decide to go to sleep and have no trouble sleeping for 8 hours straight.

Overall I feel the two have a very synergistic effect and will continue to use both as the situation arises. Modafinil for energy/motivation and Alprazolam when around new people/situations.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105717
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Oct 6, 2019Views: 2,328
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Modafinil (217), Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : Performance Enhancement (50), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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