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Overdose on Soma
Carisoprodol (Soma)
Citation:   SiameseMushroom. "Overdose on Soma: An Experience with Carisoprodol (Soma) (exp10572)". Jan 28, 2003.

2100 mg oral Pharms - Carisoprodol (pill / tablet)
I have horrible insomnia, and I hadn't slept in four days.

That in itself was painful. On top of that, I was getting pretty damn stressed. I kept passing out at the wrong times during the day.

I came home and tried to sleep for about an hour, but it was all in vain. Over the summer, I used to pop a few pills to 'knock me out' so I could sleep. I thought of it more as pills easing me into sleep.

I usually think about things before I swallow them, but I was horribly desperate and most definitely wasn't thinking when I popped 6 350mg Somas--at once. Now, I'm pretty tiny physically, and even though I did pills frequently, I still had a pretty low tolerance.

They kicked in 10 minutes after I took them. I was on the phone with my friend, and he said that he had to go, and hung up--when in all actuality, he hung up and took a cab to my house!

I was seeing double by then. I went outside to greet him, but couldn't really see him enough to hug him. He went inside and called the ambulance.

I spent six hours in the hospital. I had to DRINK charcoal. I threw up a lot of it. It was a horrible, miserable, disgusting experience. Somas are fun, but take them in stride. Taking a lot of Somas is VERY DANGEROUS, especially if you are a lightweight, like me.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10572
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 28, 2003Views: 80,040
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Pharms - Carisoprodol (186) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Overdose (29), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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