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A Combo Bad at Any Dose
4-HO-MET, Methoxetamine, & Alcohol
Citation:   Midol. "A Combo Bad at Any Dose: An Experience with 4-HO-MET, Methoxetamine, & Alcohol (exp105738)". Mar 16, 2016.

T+ 0:00
  oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  T+ 0:00 5 mg oral Methoxetamine
  T+ 0:00 5 mg oral 4-HO-MET
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol
  T+ 2:00 5 mg oral 4-HO-MET
I like to use low doses of 4-HO-MET when I go out drinking. About 5mg before going out and I am full of energy and am able to drink quite a bit without blacking out or getting too stupid. I was using speed (amphetamine sulfate) to do this originally and I was really worried about my health. This is honestly much better. Anyway, I had gotten some MXE from a friend the day before and it was stored in the same container and type of baggie as my 4-HO.

7:00pm; T-1:30 -- Start pre-gaming, drink about 3 cups of wine punch and a beer
8:30pm; T+0 -- I weighed out two 5mg doses of what I thought was 4-HO-MET and took one. It was at that point I realized that the baggie had a hole in it, which meant it was the MXE. I had a minor freakout, then remembered I had done 20mg and was perfectly functional, so 1/4 of an already small dose should be fine. Took 4-HO-MET and packed an extra dose and left.

9pm – 11pm -- Party was pretty fun, everything was very colorful, honestly didn't feel the MXE. Party progressed, I was going a little crazy at the shot bar. I can’t say how much I drank but it was a lot. Redosed 5mg of 4-HO-MET around 10:30

11:00pm; T+2:30 -- 4-HO-MET alone I would have been fine but shit started to go a little south. I remember puking in the side yard, walking around mingling but being very confused. I pretty much lost my short-term memory. In retrospect it was 100% the MXE as I find it causes confusion. At some point I blacked out. This is what I was told I did during this time. My friend told me to steal this guy’s hat, I happily obliged. He got really upset, so I gave him his hat back. His friend was apparently really upset and he got in my face and started talking shit. At this point I regained control of myself. So I am standing there arguing with this guy and I have no clue what we are arguing about. So I just rolled with it, a part of me wanted to get in a fight with him. It cooled down a bit and my friend (different one) grabbed me and we left with another sober driver friend. They dropped me off at my apartment and I woke up in bed this morning unable to focus my vision (it's ok now). Turns out that guy and another group of people got in a fight on campus after they were driven back and ended up being arrested. So I was pretty lucky getting to leave early.

Anyway, large amounts of alcohol and even a tiny dose of MXE is a terrible combination. Also remember to mark your baggies so you don't make the same mistake. I'm lucky I noticed because I would have taken another 5mg at the party. Another note: I actually feel pretty good today (writing this the day after). I find MXE has a great afterglow regardless of what experiences I have on it.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105738
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 16, 2016Views: 2,339
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Alcohol (61), 4-HO-MET (436), Methoxetamine (527) : Large Group (10+) (19), Combinations (3)

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