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Nothing Special
Citation:   nobody. "Nothing Special: An Experience with Pentylone (exp105745)". Dec 27, 2016.

  repeated insufflated Pentylone (powder / crystals)
Sourced a small amount of this substance as it is still uncontrolled as of writing this. It came as a fluffy white and slightly cakey powder that is very difficult to handle due to it absorbing so much static electricity.

It was about 100mg that was insufflated nasally over the course of about 3 hours.

Quite a foul taste to it and it didn't burn at all like its cousin pentedrone. It also didn't really compare to pentedrone which isn't saying much, as pentedrone itself isn't much of anything to get excited over.

There was some mild stimulation in the form of slightly elevated heartbeat
There was some mild stimulation in the form of slightly elevated heartbeat
, but nothing in comparison to real stimulants. No euphoria to speak of and no real effects that make it practical as a study or work aid. The most noticeable effect was the ever-present horrible taste from the drip. Appetite was unaffected, all motor skills remain unimpaired and it had no effect on the libido which is something that most stimulants tend to send into overdrive. No noticeable tactile or mood enhancements. Anxiety was noticeably heightened.

So far it seems like one to just gutter. Not worth the time nor the money, no matter how cheap. Grab a coffee or an espresso and I'd be far better off.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105745
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 27, 2016Views: 4,283
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