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Insane Buzzing and Bad Tripping
Citation:   Mickey. "Insane Buzzing and Bad Tripping: An Experience with Cannabis (exp105797)". Mar 10, 2020.

1 hit smoked Cannabis
For the past 7 months or so I have smoked weed at least once a day. Usually more like three or four times a day, depending on the day. Lately it hasn't affected me as much so I stopped for about a week before this experience happened.

It was just a normal day (other then I hadn't toked yet that day). I walked home from school and sat on my bed. A few minutes later my brother and his girlfriend called me in to toke with them. Obviously I'm going to take up an opportunity for free tokes. He didn't have a whole lot left so he only gave me one bowl, a small bowl. Usually I have to take about 2-4 bowls a session to get high. When I took this bowl I did swallow a bit of the smoke, it almost felt like I choked on it. Anyways, I took the bowl said thank you and went to my bed.

Not sure if this bowl was going to affect me or not I say on my bed and waited while watching Netflix. A few minutes later I felt it kick it so I sat back and relaxed. It was fine until I started to hear an extremely loud noise. I started shaking my head trying to get rid of it.
It was fine until I started to hear an extremely loud noise. I started shaking my head trying to get rid of it.
It stopped for a few seconds and then returned. Even worse this time. It's a very difficult sound to describe. It almost felt like I could hear the space in my room. I could hear the emptiness. My heart started beating very fast and I could hear my heart beat as well. My brain felt like it was having mini seizures and I started to freak out. I turned off my show thinking maybe it's the noise from that. But without any noise on it made it even worse. I covered my ears but I could still hear this blasting noise. Sometimes when I'm lying I'm bed in the silence there is a slight buzzing. It was this exact noise but magnified x1000. As if my ears were right up to a speaker projecting this sound.

I started to really freak. If this wasn't bad enough already when I took my hands away from my ears they felt wet. I thought the noise was so loud that my ears started to bleed. Well of course thinking my ears are bleeding I started to cry and ran to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror thinking if is see myself it will calm me down. But I didn't see myself. Yes, it was my reflection but to me I thought it was a different person. Confused and frightened I ran to my brother and told him what was happening. Now he smokes a hell of a lot more then me. On a daily bases he smokes around 7-15 whis bowls. He told me that he's never experienced anything like this within his 3 years of smoking. He told me to just try to go to sleep. By this time the ringing had been going on for around 2 hours. I tried to sleep but couldn't because it was just too loud. After about another hour of trying to sleep I must have just passed out. I remember lying there cupping my ears trying to make it stop and then the next thing I knew I woke up.

The next day me and my friend smoked about 5 joints but I was perfectly fine. I have no idea what happened to me.

Since that experience I have smoked out of my brothers bong only one other time
Since that experience I have smoked out of my brothers bong only one other time
, and that time the noise happened again! Not as extreme this time though. When the noise started to happen I prepared myself and breathed slowly to calm my heart down. It only lasted about 30 minutes and then I fell asleep.

I'm really confused if it's his bong, his weed or just different things going on in my body at this time. This was about a month or two ago that both of these experiences have happened. I haven't smoked out of his bong since because I'm just to frightened.

I don't understand how a bong could make me feel that way but anyways that is my experience.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105797
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Mar 10, 2020Views: 682
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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