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E-Cigarette Test
by Anon
Citation:   Anon. "E-Cigarette Test: An Experience with Heroin (exp105799)". Apr 8, 2018.

  repeated vaporized Heroin (liquid)
    repeated vaporized Tobacco (liquid)
So I decided to test the idea of being able to walk arround and smoke heroin in my ecigarette/MOD.

So here is what I did:
I weight out 100mg of high grade brown heroin #3 (this is the stuff we get in europe for smoking mainly). It comes as a powder thats meets into a thick liquid when heated.

I dissolved it in 0,5mL of ecigarette liquid with 3mg/mL nicotine

It was almost impossible to dissolve, but I nuke it in the microwave for only 10 sec and it dissolved instantly into a clear brown liquid

So my vape setup is a Krager Subtank Mini and AR-15 MOD, with a 3100mAh battery at 20A. My coil is 0,5 ohm

I have no tollerance.
I take 3 big drags and hold them in, to get a nice suble buzz.

So it worked. This is possible but one should not expect to get smashed to the ground. Its very nice for walking arround with a little buzz downtown. Also my liquid is Marlboro taste and I cant smell the heroin in the vapour and I cant taste it.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105799
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Apr 8, 2018Views: 4,644
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Heroin (27) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Personal Preparation (45), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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