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Flying Over the Yellow Brick Road
Citation:   livingindigo. "Flying Over the Yellow Brick Road: An Experience with LSZ (exp105845)". Erowid.org. Oct 6, 2022. erowid.org/exp/105845

T+ 0:00
150 ug sublingual LSZ (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:00   vaporized Cannabis (extract)
Recently I ordered a few things, one of the things being a single tab of 150mcg LSZ.

I was planning on taking something else I've never tried, but at the last second, I just popped the tab under my tongue. There was basically no flavor at all, maybe a slightly bitter/metallic taste. But it really could have just been the cardboard.

With the first 2 hours I felt virtually nothing other than anticipation and possibly some minor placebo effects.

However, about right at the 2 hour point I can definitely feel it building drastically and at the 2 hour 30 minute mark I get to the point where I know that I'm gonna start tripping serious nuts as soon as I smoke weed. So I go to the bathroom, finally take a fucking shit (yes it's one of those) look into the mirror and mentally say 'goodbye' to myself before going back upstairs to prepare the cannabis in my Zebra pen one hitter.

I take one heavy hit of the chronic and put my headphones on so I can start trying to mix some tracks together, however about 5 minutes into it things start to fall apart as I'm suddenly met with the idea of my mortality, so I turn off the lights and turn on the Floyd c:.

I lay on my side and I am transported to what looks like the yellow brick road to the emerald city, only there's probably more than 40 emerald cities in all the directions on the horizon. (the horizon is actually my pillow)

Interesting my mind took me to a Wizard of Oz place while listening to Dark Side of the Moon. Apparently if you sync the album up with the film then they correspond with each other? Not too sure never tried it.

Anyway, I'm having some very difficult shaking in the lower half of my body, which I haven't read about before. I'm about 1-2 days done with some really shitty tianeptine withdrawals that came from a 15 gram 2 week binge.
I'm about 1-2 days done with some really shitty tianeptine withdrawals that came from a 15 gram 2 week binge.
(yeah I don't know why I would treat my body like that either) Also, the shaking could be because it's 20 degrees outside and I have no heater. Also for about 10-20 minutes after the weed hit me my heart was POUNDING. It actually got a little in real life scary for a moment.

I'm shown many different things of infinite complexion and impossible design in a way that is so simplistic and obvious. When I'm sober I probably won't get whatever 'it' is.

Speaking of 'it' otherwise known as 'the thing'. Some people know it. When I get a case of 'the thing' it's usually something that I can't explain but is also everywhere, something that my mind ponders on way too much. However, that concept applies to my use of nbome's mostly... On LSZ I'm aware of 'the thing' but I accept it as an unknown instead of letting it distract me from the goodness of the trip. (sheesh I literally just died, don't bother me thing o:)

I finally come through this sort of 'rebirthing' I sometimes experience on very strong hallucinogens where my conscious goes into a state of what feels like being purified of my humanity. I forget about the workings of the real world, and come out feeling much like a child. By this time I realize that the entire Dark Side of the Moon album is finished. The Wall is next on the playlist.

I stand up, turn the lights back on, stretch, sit down, and start typing out this report.

(Also note that the shaking in my lower legs went down quite a lot)

In my history of many different drugs, this is my first lysergamide other than LSA, which LSZ is very similar too, but different in so many ways. I'd call it more pronounced than LSA. I really want to try LSD, as I have a feeling that it is a lot better than the LSZ comparing it from what I've heard. I'd definitely put LSZ as a 8/10 on the intensity scale, a 6.5/10 for the visual scale, and a 7.5/10 for the bodyload.

7/10 overall

I feel like I should also mention that the visuals are very different from the NBOMe's. Where as the NBOMe's tend to be more flowing and transitional or as one continuous thing. The LSZ visuals are more like a bunch of little things that just are. These little things are infinitely complex as are they simple and seem to just stem out of nowhere where the NBOMe's visuals tend to always be a continuation of the visuals I was seeing before.

This still doesn't match the visual factor of 25c-NBOMe by any degree though. I have yet to try a drug that is as visually intense as 25c.

Wow, as I am typing this The Wall is ending. So sad... It's like everything is just a fading picture.

So roughly 2 or so hours after the initial rebirthing and I am still tripping pretty hard. I turn on Meddle by Pink Floyd. I have not yet listened to this album. Digging it so far.

It really seems like there are an infinite number of things you can learn on a trip, but what you truly learn is what you decide to bring back into the real world with you.

About 5 hours since the initial dose. Now, starting to feel a comedown. A little shakiness here and there. Pink Floyd is still awesome.

It is very strong. I've only ever seen it sold in blotters. I will mention that the blotters I got were not the usual white one's with 'LSZ' printed on it.

I'd say that it was worth paying extra for a unique trip, but I don't think I will be doing this again anytime soon.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105845
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 6, 2022Views: 480
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