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I'm Still Trying to Find the Right Amount
by GG
Citation:   GG. "I'm Still Trying to Find the Right Amount: An Experience with GHB (exp106094)". Feb 11, 2020.

2 - 7.5 ml oral GHB (liquid)
My GHB Experiences So Far...

Male / Age 39 / 160 lbs.

Every once in a while my wife and I will have a night of rolling on Ecstasy. Looking to enhance our next time with an aphrodisiac, I decided to get some liquid GHB to take together. Before we did this I tried it by myself.

1st time: After researching other people's experiences, I tried 2 milliliters (2 grams). After 30 minutes, a very slight 'buzz' like from a couple of strong drinks. It was ok, but not what I was expecting. I did not get horny, I did not get sleepy or tired. After 45 minutes, nothing more was happening so I took another 2.75 milliliters (or grams). After another 30 minutes, I definitely feel drunk for a little while. I couldn't walk totally straight and my vision was definitely altered. Still no horniness whatsoever, and my eyes felt a little tired but not overly sleepy. After about 45 minutes after I peaked with drunkenness, I came down back to normal. I'm kind of bored now so I try another 4 milliliters (grams). 15-30 minutes later, I get back to the same level of drunkenness, but still no horniness and I am tired now, but because it's late, not from the GHB. I stay that way for a good hour until I come back down. Now I go to bed, disappointed with the results. No issues the next morning.

2nd time: A couple days later, I try again. Disappointed with the last results, I try 7.5 milliliters all together. I start feeling it within 10 minutes. After 15 minutes it hits me HARD. By 30 minutes I'm totally 'drunk'. I can't walk straight, my head is spinning, and I have the feeling of being completely hammered. Definitely not horny, nor tired/sleepy. I need to take my mind off of being drunk so I play around on my ipad to distract myself. My stomach is getting quite nauseous. I'm still trying to focus on something to keep my mind off my upset stomach. 1 hour after taking 7.5 milliliters, I am puking.
1 hour after taking 7.5 milliliters, I am puking.
After puking 6 times, my stomach is empty and I stop. Puking sobered me up but I'm still pretty tipsy. I try to sit and relax for a while. I'm not horny nor sleepy. I feel gross after puking, so I take a nice hot shower. After my 30 minute shower I'm a little hungry and eat a snack. My stomach is slightly nauseous, but ok. It's mostly out of my system now and I'm pretty much back to normal. Not horny, not overly tired or sleepy. I then go to bed.

Conclusion: I'm still trying to find the right amount. I don't know if the first time was just a fluke. The GHB never felt like an aphrodisiac. I definitely know now to not take more than 5 milliliters at 1 time. I'll try again in the near future. If I don't find the right amount, my wife will never be into taking it.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106094
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: Feb 11, 2020Views: 4,570
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GHB (25) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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