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Euphoria of the Dick
Citation:   Adam A.. "Euphoria of the Dick: An Experience with 4-Methylaminorex (exp106177)". Jan 3, 2018.

  smoked 4-Methylaminorex (powder / crystals)
I was at the social security building getting my food stamp card renewed when an attractive Hispanic chick walks up to me and tell me she wants to parrtay. This happened on the way out of the building so I didn't have an excuse to say no. She told me her and two of her girl friends are smoking ice in their motel room a block away...

Is this to good to be true? I'm currently severely depressed and haven't had any sex in years... I accepted the offer and on the way she talked me into buying some food with my card. I spent most of my food stamps before even making it into the motel room. Upon entering I was relieved to see two more attractive females who were excited to see me. We ended up talking while they re-dosed and they told me all about themselves. How they were hookers and how they made all kinds of money using this drug on some guy in a neighboring city with a strip club that lets girls dance 'under the table'. They have a really good drug connection and explained how they could easily get 4-mar, heroin, extacy, mda, etc.

Finally they started to rub on me and told me to smoke the ice...

I smoked the whole thing and instantly went to another dimension of euphoric emotions.
I smoked the whole thing and instantly went to another dimension of euphoric emotions.
I let go of reality and fell in love with these women who I had never even met before. They had me have sex with them all at the same time for hours. We literally had sex all night long and into the next day. It was unbelievable. I honestly never even knew such a state of mind existed. I would kill to have it back.

When the come down started to happen they offered me some marijuana which I accepted. They told me they wanted to keep me as I passed out. The cleaning lady woke me up the next day and told me the girls had left. I had a bag of ice in my pants pocket and a cell phone number. I tried calling the number but it was disconnected. I tried looking for them around the general area and at strip clubs. I even went to some dirty out of town strip clubs asking if anyone had seen them.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106177
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jan 3, 2018Views: 4,702
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4-Methylaminorex (56) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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