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Hope for Bipolar and Major Depressive Disorder
Methoxetamine & Various Pharmaceuticals
Citation:   Humble Swede. "Hope for Bipolar and Major Depressive Disorder: An Experience with Methoxetamine & Various Pharmaceuticals (exp106184)". Oct 1, 2015.

250 mg oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (daily)
  100 mg oral Pharms - Trazodone (daily)
    repeated   Methoxetamine  
I was skeptical at first seeing the research chemical branding provided by Erowid; however, I am merely a humble Swede who was diagnosed with major depressive and bipolar disorder in 2012 after the suicide of my father's dad (gunshot to the head), my mother's uncle, and my twin cousin on my father's side, as well as the passing of my mother's grandmother with whom I was very close.

Alongside a doctor's prescription of 250mg of effexor daily, 100mg of trazodone at night, and 25mg of abilify (did not work!), prozac (did not work), I have been taking 30-40mg of MXE 3 times 2-3 times a day as needed, as well as a monthly refreshing detox of 100-150mg of MXE on a saturday morning to travel through and unlock the keys of the universe. This has helped me immensely and I am able to hold down a high-paying salaried job, take care of my fiance, and provide care and medical treatment for my adopted reptiles. I am fun outgoing and focused with my friends family and coworkers. I will advocate and recommend this treatment to anyone (as well as long as there is doctor-provided treatment with or without disclosing the use of MXE) until the day I return to the earth. Thank you MXE, I will be an evangelical for you in return. Namaste.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 106184
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Oct 1, 2015Views: 2,833
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Methoxetamine (527) : Various (28), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Depression (15), Health Benefits (32)

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