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The Glory of Family
Citation:   Nybimac. "The Glory of Family: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp106323)". Erowid.org. Nov 29, 2017. erowid.org/exp/106323

  oral 4-AcO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I had received 100 mg of 4-aco-dmt in the mail a week or two back, and after much research and informing myself on the effects and reading trip reports, I decided to jump in for the first true psychedelic experience of my life.

[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]
Today was warm and sunny, with thunderstorms set to come in later, so I eyeballed 25 mg out, maybe closer to 30 in retrospect and dropped around 9 am.

T: 0:00: tastes bitter and chemically, when allergy testing it seemed to have some possible irritant qualities, never the less no red flags. I decide it best to hop on my bike and go out to a large forest with a ton of bike trails.

T: 0:15: feeling some slight spaciness on my way to the trails, there's a bit of a body load, which I suspect would've been worse if not on the bike. Its easier to ignore the fact that I'm breathing heavier and sweating as it is humid out.

T 0:20 got to the trail head, effects haven't increased much, but I know it takes a bit to come on.

T: 0:30 Effects came on suddenly, at that point I thought it was the peak, beginner mistake, thus compound had a lot more planned for me. After biking to the top of a big hill, I got off my bike and realized that the body load was definitely there, slightly uncomfortable, but ignorable. As I looked out over the area I had just conquered, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment, suddenly waves of euphoria were washing over me, and I began admiring the beauty of the landscape. It got even better when I remembered I had brought my head phones, and I put on In View by tragically hip, which took the euphoria and happiness to a whole new level, which complimented the gliding down the trail again through the trees.

T: 1:00 The reason I dropped was that I wanted to confront the issue of if I still loved the girl I was with currently. These thoughts suddenly started to fill my head as I came back to the trail head after a nice ride. These more troubling and saddening thoughts were complimented by the sun getting covered by a huge storm front moving through. By now the effects were at the peak for sure, my head was buzzing with activity, and I found myself getting sucked into thought loops, and having to re assure myself that I would be fine. But the world scared me, it seemed so redundant, so bleak, I realised I don't love my girlfriend anymore, which sadly re confirms the thoughts I had before the trip.

T: 1:45 I made my way home after finding a quiet place to weep for myself, for my lost love, and for the bleakness of humanity, still peaking, but needing to be around my family, as I know family is the most important thing in life, and they will help me heal. There was some small interaction, but I really just needed a shower.

T: 2:00 The shower was one of the best parts of the trip. Now that I was off my bike, I started to see the beautiful patterns that he psychedelic experience is known for. At this dose, I would rate this as a +++ patterns were everywhere, and my cev's were beautiful flowing fractal patterns which I could have stared at for hours. Oev's were even more breath taking, in the shower I could see my strange alien like body, feel myself, and look around at the almost cartoon, futuristic setting I was in. Just like that all the dysphoria and bad feeling were gone, life was fun and happy again, I was in the shower for only 7 minutes but in that time I felt like I experienced a life time of happiness. Words can't accurately describe the complexity and beautiful flow of the patterns and fractals. After drying off, I laid on my bed and stared at my textured ceiling for 15 minutes.

T: 2:30 my little brother and sister are 8 and 6 respectively and wanted to go to the park as I was still peaking and wanted to get out of the house I gladly obliged. For the next hour I talked with them, pushed them on the swings, and loved every second of watching them learn. In that time I realised what being a big brother meant. I realised family is beautiful unity.

By T: 3:30 nothing interesting was happening, just relaxed and watched fast and furious 6 with my fam. Should note that there was a bit of gas I construction, and despite drinking a ton of water, I haven't been able to pee easily, and haven't felt the need to pee, just been making myself. It also slightly burned which would prove my theory of irritant qualities. At the time of writing its been 8 hours, and Ive been at baseline since about 6 hours. As with any psychadelic be careful, it was crazy how quick my trip turned dark and sad, but I believe it was worth it.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 106323
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Nov 29, 2017Views: 1,063
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : Various (28), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Relationships (44), General (1)

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