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Surprising Effects
Cannabis & Hydrocodone
Citation:   jamie. "Surprising Effects: An Experience with Cannabis & Hydrocodone (exp10635)". Oct 2, 2004.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
  1 tablet oral Hydrocodone
I had just had my wisdom teeth out, and my dentist gave me a prescription for viccodin. I was really excited. I heard of my friends often buying it, but I had never experienced it. I was hoping for some sort of valium like effect of weightlessness, and a comforting feeling of inertia. I realized that this was not at all the case.

After a day of driving around and smoking weed, I came home around 9, not feeling particularly high. My friend suggested that I go home, put on The Moon and Antartica by Modest Mouse and just relax. I had most of the bottle left, so, for lack of more enticing plans concured. I popped a pill and laid down and watched some t.v.

I found myself wanting to do things, random things. I began to cut up all my magazines and glued odd pieces to my walls. I ripped down posters, and ripped apart letters. I paced and cleaned, frequently talking to myself. I started reexperiencing emotional tragedies and walking through moments of regret. I became really depressed (I've never had a history of depression), but kept actively moving around and cleaning. I tried going to sleep, but it wouldn't work. I'd see something out of place in my room and go on another tangent.

Finally around 6 in the morning, I finally was tired enough to fall asleep. I spent the rest of the week feeling rather depressed. I was confused because isn't viccodin a muscle relaxor? Well that was my experience with viccodin, it's actually really helpful if you have to cram for an all nighter.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10635
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 2, 2004Views: 21,961
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Hydrocodone (111) : General (1), Alone (16)

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