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What's the Spanish Word for Seizure Warning
Tramadol, Cyclobenzaprine, Bupropion & Sertraline
Citation:   static membrane. "What's the Spanish Word for Seizure Warning: An Experience with Tramadol, Cyclobenzaprine, Bupropion & Sertraline (exp106406)". Jan 11, 2021.

200 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion
  50 mg oral Pharms - Sertraline
  500 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol
  50 mg oral Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine
[Erowid Note: There are case reports of people having bad reactions when mixing tramadol with SSRIs. This may include potentially life-threatening adverse reactions such as serotonin syndrome. See Tramadol Health Concerns]]
I had just returned from a vacation in Mexico. I picked up the Tramadol over there in 100mg capsules. I didn't really understand what it was and assumed it was one of those crappy opioids that people took to get off of addictions, but in Mexico it was over the counter. The pharmacist, I kid you not, reccomended I pick up some cyclobenzaprine (flexeril) to go along with the tramadol to get more of an effect with it, so I went with that.

I dabbled with smaller doses at first, 200mg tramadol and 30mg cyclobenzaprine. This was on top of my Zoloft (SSRI) and Wellbutrin (NDRI) prscriptions that I took normally. Also after a week of moderately heavy drinking and over the counter benzo use. It was the perfect storm for what would happen next.

On a Saturday, I woke up and got the day started with my anti depressants (which I had been inconsistent with leading up to this point) and then decided, having taken significant doses that did little to impress me in terms of opiate recreation, to take 5 100mg capsules of tramadol at once. This was accompanied with 5 10mg cyclobenzaprine tablets.

Everything seemed fine, I was watching TV while my girlfriend took a shower. After probably 45 minutes, I was struck with sudden and heavy nausea and disorientation. The next thing I remember is EMT's shouting questions to me and flashing a light in my eye.

My girlfriend confirmed, I had gone through a seizure. I used to have an epileptic roommate and I had seen him seize before but never thought it could happen to me. Turns out, it sure can. I was lucky to be at home on a Saturday, not in a car or in public. I was also lucky to not have sustained any serious brain injury.

Please, if you plan on taking tramadol, take it very easy with the stuff if you have to take it. It's upsides are nothing compared to what it can do if you're not careful. I've taken many combinations of drugs before, but this blows away any bad trip panic attack that could be remedied with a Xanax bar. Be careful out there and don't take your health for granted!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 106406
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 11, 2021Views: 1,502
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Combinations (3), Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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