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A Window Into Psychedelics
Morning Glory
by Erik
Citation:   Erik. "A Window Into Psychedelics: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp106486)". Mar 12, 2020.

200 seeds oral Morning Glory
I have been searching for spiritual experiences for years and years. I went into this LSA trip without any expectations but I came out of it with much more.

I began making a comfortable spot on my floor at around 9:00pm to ensure I had a comfortable setting. I had ordered bulk heavenly blue morning glory seeds because I read that it is the best variety for a trip.

At 9:30 I got a large glass of ice tea and began chewing the seeds into a paste while sipping on my tea. I ate about 200 seeds and 10 minutes later I started experiencing some nausea so I lay down and waited for the trip to start.

3 hours went by and I had moved to my bed and started falling asleep. But then all of the sudden I woke from my sleep to some visuals. The colors of everything were so vibrant and when I closed my eyes I would see quite intricate and complex geometric designs that seemed to have meaning. Aside from the visuals I had a very strong feeling that everything was tied together and that everything was connected.

At 4:00 a.m. I noticed some pretty annoying pain in my lower extremities, so I gently massaged my legs and joints
I noticed some pretty annoying pain in my lower extremities, so I gently massaged my legs and joints
and fell into a deep sleep. I had very lucid and vivid dreams that I could nearly control. I finally woke up for good at 10:30 a.m. and I felt pretty good, all the negative side effects had disapeared.

I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression and had been taking zoloft, but two weeks before my trip I weaned off and LSA gave me insight into life and helped me open up and let go of all the baggage.

I will definitley use morning glory seeds again at a higher dose, it really gave me a look into the world of psychedelics.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 106486
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Mar 12, 2020Views: 647
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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