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Sass in the Ass
MDA & Cannabis
by APT
Citation:   APT. "Sass in the Ass: An Experience with MDA & Cannabis (exp106504)". Feb 23, 2017.

0.5 tablets rectal MDA (ground / crushed)
    smoked Cannabis  
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I had the experience a couple of days before writing this.

So to keep things short and simple, I really enjoy experimenting with drugs and the various ways of taking them. Before I try a new drug I'll always do some research on how it should affect me, how much I should take, and most importantly how I should take it. I like getting the best bang for my buck.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I enjoy plugging certain drugs. I've used this method with Adderall, 2C-E, clonazepam, morphine, methylphenidate, and now MDA. I don't like sticking oral syringes (or anything for that matter) up my ass, but from what I've experienced it's totally worth the resulting high. MDA was no exception.

I've recreationally injected drugs twice in my life. The first time was with 4mg of Dilaudid, and the second was with a small amount of ketamine that I figured wouldn't do much if I snorted it. These were both pretty cool experiences, but I don't like the risks and stigma attached to IV drug use. This is basically what got me into plugging.
I don't like the risks and stigma attached to IV drug use. This is basically what got me into plugging.
I still wanted that rush and awesome high to follow, but I didn't want to damage my veins and reputation in the process of achieving it.

After reading about plugging MDMA I decided it was definitely something I wanted to try, especially since I found using Adderall this way to be very euphoric...and a good MDMA high blows just about everything out of the water. Obviously I used MDA instead, thinking that taking it rectally would change the roll in a similar way to its better known sibling.

So now for my actual report. The night I did this it was storming out, and on my way home from work I kept looking out of the passenger's side window at the lightning piercing through the clouds, thinking it'd be awesome to trip or roll in this type of weather. Like a 5 Gum commercial or something. At the time I had a half of my last white lightning bolt E pill (containing MDA and a bit of caffeine I think) laying around at the house. I had planned on saving it until I found some good MDMA to mix it with, as I tried this combo with the same batch of pills a few months ago and it was absolutely phenomenal, but being a bit of a drug addict I couldn't resist the idea of taking it that night.

I knew eating half of the white lightning probably wouldn't do much by itself, so I figured it would be interesting to see how much plugging it would increase the potency. After getting back to the house I waited for my friend Z (who I currently live with) to go shower so that I could take a shit and do the deed in peace. He knows I've taken drugs this way before but is in no way cool with it. So anyway, I crushed the pill up inside a folded piece of paper and dumped the powder into a spoon. Then I added a bit of water and stirred it with the back of the syringe so it could dissolve properly. After that I sucked the solution up into the syringe, laid on my back with my legs up against the wall, and stuck that shit where the sun don't shine.

I didn't keep track of time during this experiment, but when I eat MDA it usually takes about 45 minutes to really get going. I started feeling this in about 10 - 15 and was peaking within an hour. I didn't really get a 'rush' like what I've noticed when using Adderall this way, but the onset was pretty quick and smooth. To be honest I can't even describe what it felt like, but I can describe the roll itself.

My vision got a lot sharper and colors became bright and rich, like I was in Photoshop and someone turned up the saturation. Tactile sensations were greatly enhanced and pretty cool, basically a comfortable tingling body felt almost sexual. I think using the MDA rectally exaggerated this a bit, as well as the psychedelic aspects of the roll. The wind brought by the storm felt great on my skin while I was out walking. I tried listening to dubstep during the walk but it sounded kind of obnoxious and distracting so I turned it off. I didn't experience any empathy and not too much euphoria, but for the first couple of hours I did feel pretty damn good. I blame this on the low dose. Definitely would make a great aphrodisiac as I became incredibly horny toward the end of my walk and wound up having to relieve myself. For the entire roll I was silently wishing that I'd used the MDA in a better setting, as it was definitely stronger than I'd expected and would've been perfect for a hike, swim, or rave with friends (especially female friends). If anything this felt more like a low dose of some traditional psychedelic rather than a roll. Compared to oral MDMA which I'd describe as 'mushy, loved-up, and euphoric,' this was 'electric and chargey with a psychedelic edge.' I feel like this ROA condensed the roll a bit, making it slightly shorter but smoother and trippier at its peak. After a few hours it kind of petered out into a fuzzy monged out buzz. Half of a white lightning up the ass felt just a little weaker than a whole one orally, obviously with some subtle differences in the overall high.

I smoked weed at the beginning and end of this experience and it really helped the small amount of MDA take off. I also smoked a cigarette as I was coming down a bit and it kicked what little euphoria I had into high gear. At the time I almost felt like the entire point of rolling that night was just to enjoy the fuck out of that single cigarette.

Overall I'd say this is a great way to use MDA if I'm trying to conserve my stash with smaller doses or just want to roll absolute titties. I learned that this drug is not some toy to play with when I'm bored and want to get high. MDA is seriously a beast, and knowing I wasted the last of mine made me kind of sad. I'd say it's probably my favorite drug at this point in time and I really do have a lot of respect for it.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106504
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 23, 2017Views: 3,755
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MDA (34) : General (1), Alone (16)

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