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Hot and Cold Not Enjoyable
Citation:   Trippy. "Hot and Cold Not Enjoyable: An Experience with 2C-P (exp106561)". Erowid.org. Dec 18, 2015. erowid.org/exp/106561

8 mg insufflated 2C-P (powder / crystals)
I snorted 8mg of 2C-P. Within 5 minutes I began feeling very hot and was sweating a lot, after 10 minutes I threw up. For an hour I was going back and forth between feeling hot and feeling cold. Then I began shivering even though I felt normal body temperature. This lasted for another hour.

Things like the carpet and ceiling were moving like fluid and looked somewhat like an oil painting. The glow from my cigarette ember would persist for 5 seconds.

I had more hearing hallucinations than visual ones. Sound really bothered me it seemed like I could hear everything.

The negative effects outweighed the positive ones.
It took 12 hours to feel normal again.
I wouldn't recommend this and will not be trying it again.

If you do choose to try this substance please be careful.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106561
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Dec 18, 2015Views: 2,115
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2C-P (305) : Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)

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