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Chillin with Catnip
Catnip & Tobacco
Citation:   atomikSpye. "Chillin with Catnip: An Experience with Catnip & Tobacco (exp10669)". Jan 19, 2002.

  smoked Catnip (plant material)
after reading a few experiences about smoking catnip, and having some due to having to cats, with nothing else to do, i decided 'what the hell?' first off, the smoke is extremly sharp, alot harder to take big hits than ganja. i smoked a lot, normally enought to knock me on my ass if it was weed. while i smoked the bowls, i felt pretty buzzed, but that lasted only as long as i was actively smoking. now, a few mintues after smoking the 'joint' i feel pretty relaxed and a little heavyish. not really a high, just relaxed. a little buzz. it was pleasant, as far as the taste and the smoke and the feeling, but if you are looking to actually get high, i wouldnt suggest it. if you wanna chill out and have nothing else, go for it if ya have it, but i wouldnt go out and buy it if i didnt have cats.


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10669
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 19, 2002Views: 30,881
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